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Bible Ni Thothup - Psalms - Psalms 61

Psalms 61:5-8

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5A Got kam rung’ag e tin kug micheg, ma ka mu pi’ ngog e n’en nib milfan ngak e pi’in yad ma liyor ngom.
6Mu puthuy bo’or e duw ko yafos rok e en pilung; mu tay ni dab ke’ yim’!
7A Got, mang e yigi gagiyeg u p’eowchem ndariy n’umngin nap’an, mu yororiy ko fare t’ufeg rom ni dabimus nge fenam yul’yul’.
8Gubin ngiyal’ ni bay gon’ e tang ni gu be pining e sorok ngom, ko ngiyal’ ni gu be pi’ ngom ni yu rran e n’en ku gu micheg.

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