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Isaac Leeser Tanakh - Proverbs - Proverbs 8

Proverbs 8:24-32

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24When there were yet no depths, was I brought forth; when there were yet no springs laden heavily with water.
25Before the mountains were yet sunk down, before the hills was I brought forth:
26While as yet he had not made the land and open fields, nor the chief of the dust of the world.
27When he prepared the heavens, I was there; when he drew a circle over the face of the deep;
28When he fastened the skies above; when the springs of the deep became strong;
29When he assigned to the sea his decree, that the waters should not transgress his order: when he established firmly the foundations of the earth:
30Then was I near him, as a nursling: and I was day by day his delights, playing before him at all times;
31Playing in the world, his earth; and having my delights with the sons of men.
32And now, O children of men, hearken unto me! for happy those that observe my ways.

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Compare Proverbs 8:24-32Proverbs 8:24-32