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Bible in Basic English - Proverbs - Proverbs 8

Proverbs 8:24-32

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24When there was no deep I was given birth, when there were no fountains flowing with water.
25Before the mountains were put in their places, before the hills was my birth:
26When he had not made the earth or the fields or the dust of the world.
27When he made ready the heavens I was there: when he put an arch over the face of the deep:
28When he made strong the skies overhead: when the fountains of the deep were fixed:
29When he put a limit to the sea, so that the waters might not go against his word: when he put in position the bases of the earth:
30Then I was by his side, as a master workman: and I was his delight from day to day, playing before him at all times;
31Playing in his earth; and my delight was with the sons of men.
32Give ear to me then, my sons: for happy are those who keep my ways.

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