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Maaron Saveeŋ Toni Patabuaŋ - Mbouŋ to Yes Israela - Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 17

Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 17:5-12

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5Sawa isob, nataghon ataam tiom moghon. Agheg iyel pani rita maau.
6O Maaron, you nawatag: Moghon moghon, yom uloŋlooŋ suŋuuŋ tiou. Tovenen nataŋ roran ghom naghaze uul ghou. Ughur taliŋam payou, ve ulooŋ aliŋag tonene.
7Yom lolom ineep tuŋia ila to tamtoghon tiom ve uluul di. Tovenen ugham uraat gharatooŋadi tintina ve uul ghou. Yes to tiyooŋ ilat tiom, nimam waan pale igham mulin di ila koiadi nimadi, ve tineep pooi.
8Uŋgin poian ghou inimale uŋgin taum matam. Upoon ghou inimale tatareek ipakud ndinatu.
9Pasa, ndiran samsamia tizuaria di tighaze le tiwaghamun ghou. Koiagŋa tiluvut ghou, ve tighaze tirab ghou namaat.
10Lolodi isamin tamtoghon maau. Ve tipapait taudi izadi toman aliŋadi tiina.
11Yes titaghon ghou tinim tiluvut ghou wa. Ve matadi deŋia payou tighaze tikokor ghou, ve tiza payou nazila taan.
12Yes tinimale laion to pitoola, ve ighaze isaas motin mbeb, leso ighani. Yes tinimale laion paghu to iyooŋ ila su lolo ve isasaŋan.

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