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Maaron Saveeŋ Toni Patabuaŋ - Mbouŋ to Yes Israela - Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 127

Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 127:1-2

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1Yes to reiŋ ruum, ighaze Yoova ineep toman di pa uraat todi maau, nene pale tirab taudi sorok. Ve yes to tipamaat, ve tiŋgin ndug pa mboŋ ne paam. Ighaze Yoova iŋgin ndug todi tonowen maau, nene pale tipamaat sorok.
2Ighaze moghon moghon, ugham ŋgar naol ughaze: “Pale ag aniiŋ ma leg mbeb iraua, ma maau?” Ve upamundigin uraat pa mboŋmaagh kat, ve ukiskisi ila ila le mboŋ anoŋa, nene urab taum sorok. Pasa, poia toni, tauto igham uraat toit ighurghur anoŋa ivotvot. Tovenen yes to Maaron lolo ineep todi, lolodi imbumbu maau, ve tigheen pooi pa mboŋ.

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