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Maaron Saveeŋ Toni Patabuaŋ - Mbouŋ to Yes Israela - Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 119

Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 119:86-91

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86Tutuuŋ tiom tisob, popoiadi moghon. Tovenen yei irau ninumeer di pa tipasaluŋgan ghei. Aazne, tamtoghon tighur pataŋani payou sorok. Tovenen uul ghou lak!
87Pasa, mala maau pale tipasob nepooŋ tiou to taan. Eemoghon tutuuŋ to yom ughur di, you napul murig padi maau.
88Yom lolom ineep tuŋia ila to tamtoghon tiom ve uluul di. Tovenen uŋgin ghou naneep pooi. Leso matag kisin ataam to yom ughuri payei, ve nataghoni irau sawa isob. Ataam tonenen, taum avom isavia.
89O Yoova, saveeŋ tiom pale iyaryaaŋ izi sambam, ve inepneep tovene itaghoni taghoni gha ila.
90Tamtoghon tipopoop, ve papaghu todi tivotvot itaghoni taghoni gha ila. Ve gabuam to avom onoon ve utataghon saveeŋ tiom ne paam. Inepneep tovene itaghoni taghoni gha ila. Yom to ughur taan ineep tuŋia ila ina. Irau induur maau.
91Muuŋ ve inim aazne, mbeb tisob tineep tuŋia ila inadi inadi itaghon saveeŋ to yom usavia. Ve mbeb tisob tinim mbesooŋa tiom.

Read Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 119Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 119
Compare Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 119:86-91Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 119:86-91