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Plain English Version - Mark - Mark 9

Mark 9:38-45

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38John said to Jesus, “Teacher, we saw a man using your power by saying your name to send bad spirits out of people. He’s not one of our mob, so we told him to stop.”
39But Jesus said, “No. Don’t stop him. If somebody uses my power by saying my name to do good and powerful things for people, he can’t soon turn around and say bad things about me.
40You see, if somebody is not trying to block us, well really, he is on our side.
41And if somebody knows you are my follower, and so he tries to help you, even if he just gives you a drink of water, God will be sure to pay him with something good for that good thing he did.
42But, if a little one trusts me and somebody gets him to do something bad, God will properly punish that person. Suppose somebody will get a big rock and tie it to that person’s neck and throw him into the sea and drown him, that will be bad for him, but not as bad as the trouble God will give him for getting that little one to go wrong.
43And if there is something that gets you to go wrong, you have to do something about it. If your hand gets you to do something bad you have to stop it, like as if you cut off your hand. It is better for you to live for ever with only one hand than go to hell with 2 hands. That fire in hell never goes out.
45Just the same, if your foot takes you the wrong way, to get you to do something bad, you have to stop it, like as if you cut off your foot. It is better for you to have only one foot and live for ever than go to hell with 2 feet.

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