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Luke 4:14-30 in English

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Luke 4:14-30 in American Standard Version (1901)

14 And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and a fame went out concerning him through all the region round about.
15 And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.
16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and he entered, as his custom was, into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up to read.
17 And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Isaiah. And he opened the book, and found the place where it was written,
18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because he anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor: He hath sent me to proclaim release to the captives, And recovering of sight to the blind, To set at liberty them that are bruised,
19 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.
20 And he closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant, and sat down: and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fastened on him.
21 And he began to say unto them, To-day hath this scripture been fulfilled in your ears.
22 And all bare him witness, and wondered at the words of grace which proceeded out of his mouth: and they said, Is not this Joseph’s son?
23 And he said unto them, Doubtless ye will say unto me this parable, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done at Capernaum, do also here in thine own country.
24 And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is acceptable in his own country.
25 But of a truth I say unto you, There were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when there came a great famine over all the land;
26 and unto none of them was Elijah sent, but only to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow.
27 And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, but only Naaman the Syrian.
28 And they were all filled with wrath in the synagogue, as they heard these things;
29 and they rose up, and cast him forth out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might throw him down headlong.
30 But he passing through the midst of them went his way.
Luke 4 in American Standard Version (1901)

Luke 4:14-30 in King James Version + Apocrypha

14 And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about.
15 And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.

16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.
17 And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written,
18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
20 And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him.
21 And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.
22 And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said, Is not this Joseph’s son?
23 And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country.
24 And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.
25 But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land;
26 But unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow.
27 And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, saving Naaman the Syrian.
28 And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath,
29 And rose up, and thrust him out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong.
30 But he passing through the midst of them went his way,
Luke 4 in King James Version + Apocrypha

Luke 4:14-30 in King James (Authorized) Version

14 And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about.
15 And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.

16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.
17 And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written,
18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
20 And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him.
21 And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.
22 And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said, Is not this Joseph’s son?
23 And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country.
24 And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.
25 But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land;
26 But unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow.
27 And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, saving Naaman the Syrian.
28 And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath,
29 And rose up, and thrust him out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong.
30 But he passing through the midst of them went his way,
Luke 4 in King James (Authorized) Version

LUKE 4:14-30 in Revised Version with Apocrypha (1895)

14 And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and a fame went out concerning him through all the region round about.
15 And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.
16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and he entered, as his custom was, into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up to read.
17 And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Isaiah. And he opened the book, and found the place where it was written,
18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because he anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor: He hath sent me to proclaim release to the captives, And recovering of sight to the blind, To set at liberty them that are bruised,
19 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.
20 And he closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant, and sat down: and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fastened on him.
21 And he began to say unto them, Today hath this scripture been fulfilled in your ears.
22 And all bare him witness, and wondered at the words of grace which proceeded out of his mouth: and they said, Is not this Joseph’s son?
23 And he said unto them, Doubtless ye will say unto me this parable, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done at Capernaum, do also here in thine own country.
24 And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is acceptable in his own country.
25 But of a truth I say unto you, There were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when there came a great famine over all the land;
26 and unto none of them was Elijah sent, but only to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow.
27 And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, but only Naaman the Syrian.
28 And they were all filled with wrath in the synagogue, as they heard these things;
29 and they rose up, and cast him forth out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might throw him down headlong.
30 But he passing through the midst of them went his way.
LUKE 4 in Revised Version with Apocrypha (1895)

Luke 4:14-30 in Translation for Translators

14 As the Spirit empowered him, Jesus returned to Galilee district. People throughout all that region heard about what he was doing.
15 He taught people in their ◄synagogues/meeting places►. As a result, he was praised by everyone {everyone praised him}.
16 Then Jesus went to Nazareth, the town where he grew up. ◄On the Sabbath/On the Jewish rest day► he went ◄to the synagogue/to the Jewish meeting place►, as he usually did. He stood up to indicate that he wanted to read Scriptures to them.
17 A scroll containing the words that the prophet Isaiah had written was given to him { Someone gave to him a scroll containing the words that the prophet Isaiah had written}. He opened the scroll and found the place from which he wanted to read. He read these words:
18 The Spirit ◄of the Lord/of God► is upon me. He has appointed MTY me to declare God's good news to the poor. He has sent me here to proclaim that God will deliver those whom Satan has captured, and he will enable me to enable those who are blind to see. He will enable me to free people who have been oppressed {whom others have oppressed}.
19 And he sent me to declare that now is the time when ◄the Lord/God► will act favorably toward people.
20 Then he rolled up the scroll and gave it back to the attendant, and sat down to teach the people. Everyone in the synagogue was looking intently MTY at him.
21 He said to them, “Today as you have been hearing MTY me speak, I am beginning to fulfill this Scripture passage.”
22 At first everyone there spoke well about him, and they were amazed at the charming words that he spoke. But then some of them said, “◄He is only Joseph's son!/Isn't he only Joseph's son?► RHQ So ◄ it is useless for us(exc) to listen to what he says!/why should we(exc) listen to what he says?► RHQ”
23 He said to them, “Surely some of you will quote to me the proverb that says, ‘Doctor, heal yourself!’ What you will mean is, ‘People told us that you did miracles in Capernaum town, but we(exc) do not know if those reports are true. So do miracles here in your own hometown, too!’ ”
24 Then he said, “It is certainly true that people do not accept the message of a prophet when he speaks in his hometown, just like you(pl) are not accepting my message now.
25 But think about this: There were many widows in Israel during the time when the prophet Elijah lived. During that time, because of there being no rain MTY for three years and six months, there was a great famine throughout the country.
26 But God did not send Elijah to help any of those Jewish widows. God sent him to Zarepath town near Sidon city, to help a non-Jewish widow.
27 There were also many Jewish lepers in Israel during the time when the prophet Elisha lived. But Elisha did not heal any of them. He healed only Naaman, a non-Jewish man from Syria.”
28 When all the people in the synagogue heard him say that, they were very angry, because they realized that he was inferring that he similarly would help non-Jewish people instead of helping Jews (OR, that they also were not worthy of receiving God's help).
29 So they all got up and shoved him out of the town. They took him to the top of the hill outside their town in order to throw him off the cliff and kill him.
30 But he simply walked through their midst and went away.
Luke 4 in Translation for Translators

Luke 4:14-30 in World English Bible with Deuterocanon

14 Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee, and news about him spread through all the surrounding area.
15 He taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all.
16 He came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. He entered, as was his custom, into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.
17 The book of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. He opened the book, and found the place where it was written,
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim release to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, to deliver those who are crushed,
19 and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”
20 He closed the book, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fastened on him.
21 He began to tell them, “Today, this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
22 All testified about him and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth; and they said, “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?”
23 He said to them, “Doubtless you will tell me this proverb, ‘Physician, heal yourself! Whatever we have heard done at Capernaum, do also here in your hometown.’”
24 He said, “Most certainly I tell you, no prophet is acceptable in his hometown.
25 But truly I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the sky was shut up three years and six months, when a great famine came over all the land.
26 Elijah was sent to none of them, except to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow.
27 There were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, yet not one of them was cleansed, except Naaman, the Syrian.”
28 They were all filled with wrath in the synagogue as they heard these things.
29 They rose up, threw him out of the city, and led him to the brow of the hill that their city was built on, that they might throw him off the cliff.
30 But he, passing through the middle of them, went his way.
Luke 4 in World English Bible with Deuterocanon

Luke 4:14-30 in World English Bible (Catholic)

14 Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee, and news about him spread through all the surrounding area.
15 He taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all.
16 He came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. He entered, as was his custom, into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.
17 The book of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. He opened the book, and found the place where it was written,
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim release to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, to deliver those who are crushed,
19 and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”
20 He closed the book, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fastened on him.
21 He began to tell them, “Today, this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
22 All testified about him and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth; and they said, “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?”
23 He said to them, “Doubtless you will tell me this proverb, ‘Physician, heal yourself! Whatever we have heard done at Capernaum, do also here in your hometown.’”
24 He said, “Most certainly I tell you, no prophet is acceptable in his hometown.
25 But truly I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the sky was shut up three years and six months, when a great famine came over all the land.
26 Elijah was sent to none of them, except to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow.
27 There were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, yet not one of them was cleansed, except Naaman, the Syrian.”
28 They were all filled with wrath in the synagogue as they heard these things.
29 They rose up, threw him out of the city, and led him to the brow of the hill that their city was built on, that they might throw him off the cliff.
30 But he, passing through the middle of them, went his way.
Luke 4 in World English Bible (Catholic)

Luke 4:14-30 in World English Bible British Edition with Deuterocanon

14 Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee, and news about him spread through all the surrounding area.
15 He taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all.
16 He came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. He entered, as was his custom, into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.
17 The book of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. He opened the book, and found the place where it was written,
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim release to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, to deliver those who are crushed,
19 and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”
20 He closed the book, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fastened on him.
21 He began to tell them, “Today, this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
22 All testified about him and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth; and they said, “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?”
23 He said to them, “Doubtless you will tell me this proverb, ‘Physician, heal yourself! Whatever we have heard done at Capernaum, do also here in your hometown.’”
24 He said, “Most certainly I tell you, no prophet is acceptable in his hometown.
25 But truly I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the sky was shut up three years and six months, when a great famine came over all the land.
26 Elijah was sent to none of them, except to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow.
27 There were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, yet not one of them was cleansed, except Naaman, the Syrian.”
28 They were all filled with wrath in the synagogue as they heard these things.
29 They rose up, threw him out of the city, and led him to the brow of the hill that their city was built on, that they might throw him off the cliff.
30 But he, passing through the middle of them, went his way.
Luke 4 in World English Bible British Edition with Deuterocanon

Luke 4:14-30 in Bible in Basic English

14 And Jesus came back to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and the news of him went through all the country round about.
15 And he was teaching in their Synagogues and all men gave him praise.
16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been as a child, and he went, as his way was, into the Synagogue on the Sabbath, and got up to give a reading.
17 And the book of the prophet Isaiah was given to him and, opening the book, he came on the place where it is said,
18 The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because I am marked out by him to give good news to the poor; he has sent me to make well those who are broken-hearted; to say that the prisoners will be let go, and the blind will see, and to make the wounded free from their chains,
19 To give knowledge that the year of the Lord's good pleasure is come.
20 And shutting the book he gave it back to the servant and took his seat: and the eyes of all in the Synagogue were fixed on him.
21 Then he said to them, Today this word has come true in your hearing.
22 And they were all giving witness, with wonder, to the words of grace which came from his mouth: and they said, Is not this the son of Joseph?
23 And he said to them, Without doubt you will say to me, Let the medical man make himself well: the things which to our knowledge were done at Capernaum, do them here in your country.
24 And he said to them, Truly I say to you, No prophet is honoured in his country.
25 Truly I say to you, There were a number of widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heaven was shut up for three years and six months and there was no food in the land;
26 But Elijah was not sent to one of them, but only to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow.
27 And there were a number of lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, and not one of them was made clean, but only Naaman the Syrian.
28 And all who were in the Synagogue were very angry when these things were said to them.
29 And they got up and took him out of the town to the edge of the mountain on which their town was, so that they might send him down to his death.
30 But he came through them and went on his way.
Luke 4 in Bible in Basic English

Luke 4:14-30 in Darby Translation

14 And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee; and a rumour went out into the whole surrounding country about him;
15 and he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.
16 And he came to Nazareth, where he was brought up; and he entered, according to his custom, into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up to read.
17 And the book of the prophet Esaias was given to him; and having unrolled the book he found the place where it was written,
18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach glad tidings to the poor; he has sent me to preach to captives deliverance, and to the blind sight, to send forth the crushed delivered,
19 to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
20 And having rolled up the book, when he had delivered it up to the attendant, he sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed upon him.
21 And he began to say to them, To-day this scripture is fulfilled in your ears.
22 And all bore witness to him, and wondered at the words of grace which were coming out of his mouth. And they said, Is not this the son of Joseph?
23 And he said to them, Ye will surely say to me this parable, Physician, heal thyself; whatsoever we have heard has taken place in Capernaum do here also in thine own country.
24 And he said, Verily I say to you, that no prophet is acceptable in his own country.
25 But of a truth I say to you, There were many widows in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up for three years and six months, so that a great famine came upon all the land,
26 and to none of them was Elias sent but to Sarepta of Sidonia, to a woman that was a widow.
27 And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, and none of them was cleansed but Naaman the Syrian.
28 And they were all filled with rage in the synagogue, hearing these things;
29 and rising up they cast him forth out of the city, and led him up to the brow of the mountain upon which their city was built, so that they might throw him down the precipice;
30 but he, passing through the midst of them, went his way,
Luke 4 in Darby Translation

Luke 4:14-30 in Douay-Rheims 1899

14 And Jesus returned in the power of the spirit, into Galilee, and the fame of him went out through the whole country.
15 And he taught in their synagogues, and was magnified by all.
16 And he came to Nazareth, where he was brought up: and he went into the synagogue, according to his custom, on the sabbath day; and he rose up to read.
17 And the book of Isaias the prophet was delivered unto him. And as he unfolded the book, he found the place where it was written:
18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. Wherefore he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, he hath sent me to heal the contrite of heart,
19 To preach deliverance to the captives, and sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of reward.
20 And when he had folded the book, he restored it to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him.
21 And he began to say to them: This day is fulfilled this scripture in your ears.
22 And all gave testimony to him: and they wondered at the words of grace that proceeded from his mouth, and they said: Is not this the son of Joseph?
23 And he said to them: Doubtless you will say to me this similitude: Physician, heal thyself: as great things as we have heard done in Capharnaum, do also here in thy own country.
24 And he said: Amen I say to you, that no prophet is accepted in his own country.
25 In truth I say to you, there were many widows in the days of Elias in Israel, when heaven was shut up three years and six months, when there was a great famine throughout all the earth.
26 And to none of them was Elias sent, but to Sarepta of Sidon, to a widow woman.
27 And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet: and none of them was cleansed but Naaman the Syrian.
28 And all they in the synagogue, hearing these things, were filled with anger.
29 And they rose up and thrust him out of the city; and they brought him to the brow of the hill, whereon their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong.
30 But he passing through the midst of them, went his way.
Luke 4 in Douay-Rheims 1899

Luke 4:14-30 in English Majority Text Version

14 Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and news about Him spread throughout all the surrounding region.
15 And He taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all.
16 And He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He entered into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and He stood up to read.
17 And the book of Isaiah the prophet was given to Him. And having unrolled the scroll, He found the place where it was written:
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed;
19 to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.”
20 And having rolled up the scroll, when He had given it to the attendant, He sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were looking intently at Him.
21 And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”
22 And all were bearing witness to Him, and were marveling at the gracious words which came out of His mouth. And they said, “Is this not Joseph's son?”
23 He said to them, “You will surely say this proverb to Me, ‘Physician, heal yourself! Whatever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in Your hometown.’ ”
24 Then He said, “Assuredly I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his hometown.
25 But I tell you truly, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, and there was a great famine all over the land;
26 but to none of them was Elijah sent except to Zarephath, in the region of Sidon, to a widow woman.
27 And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, and none of them was cleansed except Naaman the Syrian.”
28 So all those in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath,
29 and rising up they threw Him out of the city; and brought Him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built, in order to throw Him down.
30 But having passed through the midst of them, He went on.
Luke 4 in English Majority Text Version

Luke 4:14-30 in The New Testament with Commentary

14 Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee, and news about Him spread throughout the whole surrounding area;
15 yes, He started teaching in their synagogues, being glorified by all.
16 So He came to Natsareth, where He had been brought up; as was His custom He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.
17 The book of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him, so unrolling the scroll He found the place where it was written:
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to evangelize poor people. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim release to captives and recovery of sight to blind people, to send those who are oppressed out in freedom,
19 to proclaim the Lord's favorable year.”
20 Then, having rolled up the scroll and returned it to the attendant, He sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on Him,
21 and He began by saying to them, “Today, this Scripture in your ears has been fulfilled.”
22 (All were bearing witness to Him and were marveling at the gracious words that were coming out of His mouth; and they started saying, “Isn't this the son of Joseph?”)
23 He said to them: “Doubtless you will quote this parable to me: ‘Physician, heal yourself!’—do here in your hometown the things we have heard were done in Capernaum.”
24 Then He said: “Assuredly I say to you, no prophet is welcome in his hometown.
25 Further, I can assure you that there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the sky was shut for three years and six months and a severe famine came over all the land;
26 yet Elijah was not sent to any of them, but to a widow woman in Sarepta, near Sidon.
27 And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of the prophet Elisha, yet not one of them was cleansed—just Naaman the Syrian.”
28 Well, upon hearing these things everyone in the synagogue was filled with fury,
29 and rising up they drove Him out of the town and took Him to the brow of the hill on which the town was built, in order to throw Him off the cliff.
30 But He, passing through the middle of them, went on His way.
Luke 4 in The New Testament with Commentary

Luke 4:14-30 in Free Bible Version

14 Jesus returned to Galilee, full of the Spirit's power. News about him spread everywhere.
15 Jesus taught in their synagogues, and everyone praised him.
16 When he arrived in Nazareth, where he had grown up, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day as usual.
17 The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Jesus unrolled the scroll and found the place where it's written:
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to announce good news to the destitute. He has sent me to proclaim that prisoners will be released, the blind will see, the oppressed will be freed,
19 and to proclaim the time of the Lord's favor.”
20 He rolled up the scroll and gave it back to the attendant. Then he sat down. Everybody in the synagogue was staring at him.
21 “This Scripture you've just heard has been fulfilled today!” he told them.
22 Everybody expressed their approval of him, amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips. “Isn't this Joseph's son?” they wondered.
23 Jesus replied, “I'm sure you'll repeat this proverb to me, ‘Physician, heal yourself!’ and ask, ‘Why don't you do here in your own hometown what we heard you did in Capernaum?’
24 But I tell you the truth, no prophet is accepted in his hometown.
25 I guarantee that there were many widows in Israel during the time of Elijah when there was a drought for three and a half years, causing a great famine throughout the country.
26 Yet Elijah wasn't sent to any of them. He was sent to a widow in Zarephath in the region of Sidon!
27 Even though there were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha, the only one who was healed was Naaman the Syrian!”
28 When they heard this everyone in the synagogue became furious.
29 They jumped to their feet and threw him out of the town. Then they dragged him to the top of the hill on which the town was built in order to throw him off the cliff.
30 But he walked right through them and went on his way.
Luke 4 in Free Bible Version

Luke 4:14-30 in Geneva Bible 1599

14 And Iesus returned by the power of the spirite into Galile: and there went a fame of him throughout all the region round about.
15 For he taught in their Synagogues, and was honoured of all men.
16 And hee came to Nazareth where hee had bene brought vp, and (as his custome was) went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stoode vp to reade.
17 And there was deliuered vnto him the booke of the Prophet Esaias: and when hee had opened the booke, hee founde the place, where it was written,
18 The Spirit of the Lord is vpon mee, because he hath anoynted me, that I should preach the Gospel to the poore: he hath sent mee, that I should heale the broken hearted, that I should preach deliuerance to the captiues, and recouering of sight to the blinde, that I should set at libertie them that are bruised:
19 And that I should preache the acceptable yeere of the Lord.
20 And hee closed the booke, and gaue it againe to the minister, and sate downe: and the eyes of all that were in the Synagogue were fastened on him.
21 Then he began to say vnto them, This day is the Scripture fulfilled in your eares.
22 And all bare him witnes, and wondered at the gracious wordes, which proceeded out of his mouth, and said, Is not this Iosephs sonne?
23 Then he said vnto them, Ye will surely say vnto mee this prouerbe, Physician, heale thy selfe: whatsoeuer we haue heard done in Capernaum, doe it here likewise in thine owne countrey.
24 And he saide, Verely I say vnto you, No Prophet is accepted in his owne countrey.
25 But I tell you of a trueth, many widowes were in Israel in the dayes of Elias, when heauen was shut three yeres and sixe moneths, when great famine was throughout all the land:
26 But vnto none of them was Elias sent, saue into Sarepta, a citie of Sidon, vnto a certaine widowe.
27 Also many lepers were in Israel, in the time of Eliseus the Prophet: yet none of them was made cleane, sauing Naaman the Syrian.
28 Then all that were in the Synagogue, when they heard it, were filled with wrath,
29 And rose vp, and thrust him out of the citie, and led him vnto the edge of the hil, whereon their citie was built, to cast him downe headlong.
30 But he passed through the middes of them, and went his way,
Luke 4 in Geneva Bible 1599

Luke 4:14-30 in KJV Cambridge Paragraph Bible

14 And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about.
15 And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.
16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.
17 And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written,
18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
19 to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
20 And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him.
21 And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.
22 And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said, Is not this Joseph’s son?
23 And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country.
24 And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.
25 But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land;
26 but unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow.
27 And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, saving Naaman the Syrian.
28 And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath,
29 and rose up, and thrust him out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong.
30 But he passing through the midst of them went his way,
Luke 4 in KJV Cambridge Paragraph Bible

Luke 4:14-30 in Nyangumarta English Bible

Luke 4:14-30 don't exist in Nyangumarta English Bible.

Luke 4:14-30 in George Noyes Bible

14 And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee; and there went out a report concerning him through all the surrounding country
15 And he taught in their synagogues, honored by all.
16 And he came to Nazara, where he had been brought up, and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath-day; and stood up to read.
17 And there was delivered to him the book of the prophet Isaiah; and unrolling the book, he found the place where it was written,
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he anointed me to preach glad tidings to the poor; he hath sent me to proclaim deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty the oppressed,
19 to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”
20 And rolling up the book, he gave it back to the attendant, and sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed upon him.
21 And he began to say to them, To-day hath this scripture been fulfilled in your ears.
22 And they all spoke in his praise, and wondered at the words of grace which proceeded from his mouth; and they said, Is not this Joseph's son?
23 And he said to them, Ye will doubtless say to me this proverb, “Physician, heal thyself;” whatever things we have heard of as having been done in Capernaum, do here too in thy own country.
24 And he said, Truly do I say to you, No prophet is acceptable in his own country.
25 But I tell you in truth, that there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, and there was a great famine throughout all the land;
26 and yet to none of them was Elijah sent, but to Sarepta in Sidonia, to a woman that was a widow.
27 And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet; and not one of them was cleansed, but only Naaman the Syrian.
28 And all in the synagogue, when they heard this, were filled with wrath.
29 And they rose up, and forced him out of the city and took him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built, to cast him down headlong;
30 but he, passing through the midst of them, went away.
Luke 4 in George Noyes Bible

Luke 4:14-30 in Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling)

14 Moved by the power of the Spirit, Jesus returned to Galilee. Reports about him spread through all that region;
15 and he began to teach in their synagogues, and was honoured by everyone.
16 Coming to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, Jesus, as was his custom, went on the Sabbath into the synagogue, and stood up to read the scriptures.
17 He was given the book of the prophet Isaiah; and Jesus opened the book and found the place where it says —
18 ‘The Spirit of the Lord is on me, For he has consecrated me to bring good news to the poor, He has sent me to proclaim release to captives and restoration of sight to the blind, To set the oppressed at liberty,
19 to proclaim the accepted year of the Lord.’
20 Then, closing the book and returning it to the attendant, he sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him,
21 and Jesus began, “This very day this passage has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
22 All who were present spoke well of him, and were astonished at the beautiful words that fell from his lips. “Isn't Joseph's son?” they asked.
23 “Doubtless,” said Jesus, “you will remind me of the saying — ‘Doctor, cure yourself;’ and you will say ‘Do here in your own country all that we have heard that has been done at Capernaum.’
24 I tell you,” he continued, “that no prophet is acceptable in his own country.
25 There were, doubtless, many widows in Israel in Elijah's days, when the heavens were closed for three years and six months, and a severe famine prevailed throughout the country;
26 and yet it was not to one of them that Elijah was sent, but to a widow at Zarephath in Sidonia.
27 And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of the prophet Elisha, yet it was not one of them who was made clean, but Naaman the Syrian.”
28 All the people in the synagogue, as they listened to this, became enraged.
29 Starting up, they drove Jesus out of the town, and led him to the brow of the hill on which their town stood, intending to hurl him down.
30 But he passed through the middle of the crowd and went on his way.
Luke 4 in Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling)

Luke 4:14-30 in Open English Bible (U. S. spelling)

14 Moved by the power of the Spirit, Jesus returned to Galilee. Reports about him spread through all that region;
15 and he began to teach in their synagogues, and was honored by everyone.
16 Coming to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, Jesus, as was his custom, went on the Sabbath into the synagogue, and stood up to read the scriptures.
17 He was given the book of the prophet Isaiah; and Jesus opened the book and found the place where it says —
18 ‘The Spirit of the Lord is on me, For he has consecrated me to bring good news to the poor, He has sent me to proclaim release to captives and restoration of sight to the blind, To set the oppressed at liberty,
19 to proclaim the accepted year of the Lord.’
20 Then, closing the book and returning it to the attendant, he sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him,
21 and Jesus began, “This very day this passage has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
22 All who were present spoke well of him, and were astonished at the beautiful words that fell from his lips. “Isn't Joseph's son?” they asked.
23 “Doubtless,” said Jesus, “you will remind me of the saying — ‘Doctor, cure yourself;’ and you will say ‘Do here in your own country all that we have heard that has been done at Capernaum.’
24 I tell you,” he continued, “that no prophet is acceptable in his own country.
25 There were, doubtless, many widows in Israel in Elijah's days, when the heavens were closed for three years and six months, and a severe famine prevailed throughout the country;
26 and yet it was not to one of them that Elijah was sent, but to a widow at Zarephath in Sidonia.
27 And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of the prophet Elisha, yet it was not one of them who was made clean, but Naaman the Syrian.”
28 All the people in the synagogue, as they listened to this, became enraged.
29 Starting up, they drove Jesus out of the town, and led him to the brow of the hill on which their town stood, intending to hurl him down.
30 But he passed through the middle of the crowd and went on his way.
Luke 4 in Open English Bible (U. S. spelling)

Luke [White-light] 4:14-30 in One Unity Resource Bible

14 Yeshua Salvation teshuvah ·completely returned· in the power of haRuach the Spirit into Galilee District, Circuit, and news about him spread through all the surrounding area.
15 He taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all.
16 He came to Nazareth Branch, Separated one, where he had been brought up. He entered, as was his custom, into the synagogue on the Sabbath ·To cease· day, and stood up to read.
17 The book of the prophet Isaiah Salvation of Yah was handed to him. He opened the book, and found the place where it was written,
18 “The Ruach of MarYah Spirit of Master Yahweh is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim release to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, to deliver those who are crushed,
19 and to proclaim the acceptable year of MarYah Master Yahweh.”
20 He closed the book, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fastened on him.
21 He began to tell them, “Today, this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
22 All testified about him, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth, and they said, “Is not this Joseph May he add’s son?”
23 He said to them, “Doubtless you will tell me this parable, ‘Physician, heal yourself! Whatever we have heard done at Capernaum Village-Comfort, Village-Compassion, do also here in your hometown.’”
24 He said, “Most certainly I tell you, no prophet is acceptable in his hometown.
25 But truly I tell you, there were many widows in Israel God prevails in the days of Elijah My God Yah, when the sky was shut up three years and six months, when a great famine came over all the land.
26 Elijah My God Yah was sent to none of them, except to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow.
27 There were many people with tzara'at in Israel God prevails in the time of Elisha My God salvation the prophet, yet not one of them was cleansed, except Naaman, the Syrian.”
28 They were all filled with wrath in the synagogue, as they heard these things.
29 They rose up, threw him out of the city, and led him to the brow of the hill that their city was built on, that they might throw him off the cliff.
30 But he, passing through the middle of them, went his way.
Luke [White-light] 4 in One Unity Resource Bible

Luke 4:14-30 in Plain English Version

14 The Holy Spirit made Jesus very powerful, and he went back to Galilee country. The people that saw him kept telling other people about him, and they told other people, so that soon everyone there heard the news about him.
15 He went to the Jewish meeting houses ever week and taught people about God. They were all happy with him.
16 Then Jesus came to his own community, called Nazareth. That was the town he grew up in. He went to the Jewish meeting house there on Saturday, like he always did, and he stood up to read to the people from God’s book.
17 A helper there gave him the part Isaiah wrote. Isaiah told God’s messages, long ago. Jesus opened the book to the right place and read these words.
18 “God’s spirit came into me. He picked me to tell good news to poor people. He sent me to tell prisoners, ‘You will go free.’ And he sent me to tell blind people, ‘You will see.’ And he sent me to people that are in big trouble, to take their trouble away.
19 He sent me to tell everybody, ‘This is the time now for God to be good to you.’”
20 Then Jesus closed the book, gave it back to the helper there, and sat down. Everybody kept looking straight at Jesus.
21 And he started to teach them, he said, “You just heard me read that message that Isaiah wrote, a long time ago. Well, those things are happening right now, while you are listening to me, today.”
22 All those people started talking together. They said good things about Jesus, and they said, “Wow. He talked real good. But we know this man, he is Joseph’s son.”
23 So Jesus said, “I know what you are going to say next. You are going to use the picture talk that some people use. They say, ‘Doctor, make yourself better, to show us you know how to do it.’ And you mob will say to me, ‘Show us you know how to do powerful things. Do them here, in you own home town, like you did in Capernaum.’
24 Listen, this is true. If God picks a man to tell his messages, the people of his own home town don’t want him. They reckon they know him, so they will not listen to him.
25 Think about these 2 stories in God’s book. Remember the story about God’s man called Elijah. Our people, the Israel nation, did bad things at that time, so God punished them. He blocked the rain. No rain fell for more than 3 years, and no food plants grew in the gardens, so everybody was short of food, and they were very hungry. But God looked after Elijah, and sent him to another place called Zarephath, in Sidon country. God got a widow there to look after Elijah, and God gave that widow enough food for herself, and her son, and Elijah too. Listen, there were a lot of widows in Israel at that time, but God did not save a widow that belonged to Israel, he saved a widow that belonged to Sidon country, not one of us Israel people.
27 And remember the story about God’s man called Elisha, that lived a long time ago. At that time there was a man called Naaman, that belonged to Syria country. He had a bad skin sickness. But Elisha used God’s power to make him better. Listen, there were a lot of people in Israel that had a bad skin sickness at that time, but God made a Syrian man better, not one of us Israel people.”
28 Those people in the meeting house heard Jesus say these things and they got real angry.
29 They got up and pushed him out of the town. That town is on a big hill, and that mob chased Jesus up that hill. They were going to throw him off the top of the cliff there, to kill him.
30 But Jesus turned around and walked through the middle of that mob, and went away.
Luke 4 in Plain English Version

Luke 4:14-30 in Tyndale New Testament

14 And Iesus retourned by the power of the sprete in to Galile and there went a fame of him thorowe oute all the region roude aboute.
15 And he taught in their synagoges and was commended of all men.
16 And he came to Nazareth where he was noursed and as hys custome was went in to the synagoge on the Saboth dayes and stode vp for to rede.
17 And ther was delyvered vnto him the boke of the Prophete Esaias. And when he had opened the boke he founde the place where it was written.
18 The sprete of the lorde vpon me because he hath annoynted me: to preache the gospell to the poore he hath sent me: and to heale the broken harted: to preache delyverauce to the captive and sight to the blinde and frely to set at lyberte them that are brused
19 and to preache the acceptable yeare of the Lorde.
20 And he cloosed the booke and gave it agayne to the minister and sate doune. And the eyes of all that were in the synagoge were fastened on him.
21 And he began to saye vnto them. This daye is this scripture fulfilled in youre eares.
22 And all bare him witnes and wondred at the gracious wordes which proceded oute of his mouth and sayde: Is not this Iosephs sonne?
23 And he sayde vnto them: Ye maye very well saye vnto me this proverbe: Phisicion heale thy silfe. Whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum do the same here lyke wyse in thyne awne countre.
24 And he sayde verely I saye vnto you: No Prophet is accepted in his awne countre.
25 But I tell you of a truth many wyddowes were in Israell in the dayes of Helias when hevyn was shet thre yeres and syxe monethes when greate fammisshemet was throughoute all the londe
26 and vnto none of them was Helias sent save in to Sarephta besydes Sidon vnto a woman that was a widow.
27 And many lepers were in Israel in the tyme of Heliseus the Prophete: and yet none of them was healed savinge Naaman of Siria.
28 And as many as were in the sinagoge when they herde that were filled with wrath:
29 and roose vp and thrust him oute of the cite and ledde him even vnto the edge of the hill wher on their cite was bilte to cast him doune hedlynge.
30 But he went his waye even thorow the myddes of them:
Luke 4 in Tyndale New Testament

Luke 4:14-30 in Unlocked Literal Bible

14 Then Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about him spread throughout the entire surrounding region.
15 Then he began to teach in their synagogues and he was praised by all.
16 He came into Nazareth, where he had been raised, and as was his custom, he entered the synagogue on the Sabbath day and he stood up to read aloud.
17 The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. He opened the scroll and found the place where it was written,
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he anointed me to tell good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed,
19 to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.”
20 Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him.
21 He began to speak to them, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
22 Everyone there spoke well of him and they were amazed at the gracious words which were coming out of his mouth, and they asked, “Is this not the son of Joseph?”
23 He said to them, “Surely you will say this proverb to me, 'Doctor, heal yourself. Whatever we heard that you did in Capernaum, do the same in your hometown.'”
24 But he said, “Truly I say to you, no prophet is received in his own hometown.
25 But in truth I tell you that there were many widows in Israel during the time of Elijah, when the sky was shut up for three years and six months, and a great famine came upon all the land.
26 But Elijah was sent to none of them, but only to Zarephath in Sidon, to a widow living there.
27 There were many lepers in Israel during the time of Elisha the prophet, but none of them were healed except Naaman the Syrian.”
28 All the people in the synagogue were filled with rage when they heard these things.
29 They got up, forced him out of the town, and led him to the cliff of the hill on which their town was built, so they might throw him off the cliff.
30 But he passed through the middle of them and he went to another place.
Luke 4 in Unlocked Literal Bible

Luke 4:14-30 in World English Bible

14 Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee, and news about him spread through all the surrounding area.
15 He taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all.
16 He came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. He entered, as was his custom, into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.
17 The book of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. He opened the book, and found the place where it was written,
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim release to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, to deliver those who are crushed,
19 and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”
20 He closed the book, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fastened on him.
21 He began to tell them, “Today, this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
22 All testified about him and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth; and they said, “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?”
23 He said to them, “Doubtless you will tell me this proverb, ‘Physician, heal yourself! Whatever we have heard done at Capernaum, do also here in your hometown.’”
24 He said, “Most certainly I tell you, no prophet is acceptable in his hometown.
25 But truly I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the sky was shut up three years and six months, when a great famine came over all the land.
26 Elijah was sent to none of them, except to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow.
27 There were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, yet not one of them was cleansed, except Naaman, the Syrian.”
28 They were all filled with wrath in the synagogue as they heard these things.
29 They rose up, threw him out of the city, and led him to the brow of the hill that their city was built on, that they might throw him off the cliff.
30 But he, passing through the middle of them, went his way.
Luke 4 in World English Bible

Luke 4:14-30 in World English Bible British Edition

14 Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee, and news about him spread through all the surrounding area.
15 He taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all.
16 He came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. He entered, as was his custom, into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.
17 The book of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. He opened the book, and found the place where it was written,
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim release to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, to deliver those who are crushed,
19 and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”
20 He closed the book, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fastened on him.
21 He began to tell them, “Today, this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
22 All testified about him and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth; and they said, “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?”
23 He said to them, “Doubtless you will tell me this proverb, ‘Physician, heal yourself! Whatever we have heard done at Capernaum, do also here in your hometown.’”
24 He said, “Most certainly I tell you, no prophet is acceptable in his hometown.
25 But truly I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the sky was shut up three years and six months, when a great famine came over all the land.
26 Elijah was sent to none of them, except to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow.
27 There were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, yet not one of them was cleansed, except Naaman, the Syrian.”
28 They were all filled with wrath in the synagogue as they heard these things.
29 They rose up, threw him out of the city, and led him to the brow of the hill that their city was built on, that they might throw him off the cliff.
30 But he, passing through the middle of them, went his way.
Luke 4 in World English Bible British Edition

Luke 4:14-30 in Noah Webster Bible

14 And Jesus returned in the power of the spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the surrounding region.
15 And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all.
16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath, and stood up to read.
17 And there was delivered to him the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written,
18 The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
20 And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him.
21 And he began to say to them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.
22 And all bore him testimony, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said, Is not this Joseph's son?
23 And he said to them, Ye will surely say to me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country.
24 And he said, Verily I say to you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.
25 But I tell you in truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heaven was shut three years and six months when great famine was throughout all the land:
26 But to none of them was Elijah sent, save to Sarepta, a city of Sidon, to a woman that was a widow.
27 And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, saving Naaman the Syrian.
28 And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath,
29 And rose up, and thrust him out of the city, and led him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong.
30 But he passing through the midst of them, went away,
Luke 4 in Noah Webster Bible

Luke 4:14-30 in World Messianic Bible

14 Yeshua returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee, and news about him spread through all the surrounding area.
15 He taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all.
16 He came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. He entered, as was his custom, into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.
17 The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. He opened the scroll, and found the place where it was written,
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim release to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, to deliver those who are crushed,
19 and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”
20 He closed the scroll, gave it back to the shammash, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fastened on him.
21 He began to tell them, “Today, this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
22 All testified about him and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth; and they said, “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?”
23 He said to them, “Doubtless you will tell me this proverb, ‘Physician, heal yourself! Whatever we have heard done at Capernaum, do also here in your hometown.’”
24 He said, “Most certainly I tell you, no prophet is acceptable in his hometown.
25 But truly I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the sky was shut up three years and six months, when a great famine came over all the land.
26 Elijah was sent to none of them, except to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow.
27 There were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, yet not one of them was cleansed, except Naaman, the Syrian.”
28 They were all filled with wrath in the synagogue as they heard these things.
29 They rose up, threw him out of the city, and led him to the brow of the hill that their city was built on, that they might throw him off the cliff.
30 But he, passing through the middle of them, went his way.
Luke 4 in World Messianic Bible

Luke 4:14-30 in World Messianic Bible British Edition

14 Yeshua returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee, and news about him spread through all the surrounding area.
15 He taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all.
16 He came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. He entered, as was his custom, into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.
17 The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. He opened the scroll, and found the place where it was written,
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim release to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, to deliver those who are crushed,
19 and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”
20 He closed the scroll, gave it back to the shammash, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fastened on him.
21 He began to tell them, “Today, this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
22 All testified about him and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth; and they said, “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?”
23 He said to them, “Doubtless you will tell me this proverb, ‘Physician, heal yourself! Whatever we have heard done at Capernaum, do also here in your hometown.’”
24 He said, “Most certainly I tell you, no prophet is acceptable in his hometown.
25 But truly I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the sky was shut up three years and six months, when a great famine came over all the land.
26 Elijah was sent to none of them, except to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow.
27 There were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, yet not one of them was cleansed, except Naaman, the Syrian.”
28 They were all filled with wrath in the synagogue as they heard these things.
29 They rose up, threw him out of the city, and led him to the brow of the hill that their city was built on, that they might throw him off the cliff.
30 But he, passing through the middle of them, went his way.
Luke 4 in World Messianic Bible British Edition

Luke 4:14-30 in Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling

14 And Jesus turned again in the virtue of the Spirit into Galilee, and the fame went forth of him through all the country.
15 And he taught in the synagogues of them, and was magnified of all men.
16 And he came to Nazareth, where he was nourished, and he entered after his custom in the sabbath day into a synagogue or into the synagogue, and rose to read.
17 And the book of Isaiah, the prophet, was taken to him; and as he turned the book, he found a place, where it was written,
18 The Spirit of the Lord is up on me, for which thing he anointed me; he sent me to preach or evangelize to poor men, to heal contrite men in heart, and to preach remission to prisoners or captives, and sight to blind men, and to deliver broken men into remission;
19 to preach the year of the Lord pleasant or accepted, and the day of yielding again or retribution.
20 And when he had closed the book, he gave it again to the minister, and sat; and the eyes of all men in the synagogue were beholding into him.
21 And he began to say to them, For in this day this scripture is fulfilled in your ears.
22 And all men gave witnessing to him, and wondered in the words of grace, that came forth or came out of his mouth. And they said, Whether this is not the son of Joseph?
23 And he said to them, Soothly ye shall say to me this likeness, Leech, heal thyself. The Pharisees said to Jesus, How great things have we heard done in Capernaum, do thou also here in thy country.
24 And he said, Truly I say to you, that no prophet is received or is accepted in his own country.
25 In truth I say to you, that many widows were in the days of Elijah, the prophet, in Israel, when heaven was closed three years and six months, when great hunger was made in all the earth or in every land;
26 and to none of them was Elijah sent, but into Sarepta of Sidon, to a woman a widow or no but to Sarepta of Sidon, to a woman widow.
27 And many mesels were in Israel, under Elisha, the prophet, and none of them was cleansed, but Naaman of Syria.
28 And all in the synagogue hearing these things, were filled with wrath.
29 And they rose up, and drove him out without the city, and led him to the top of the hill on which their city was builded, to cast him down.
30 But Jesus passed, and went through the middle of them;

Luke 4:14-30 in Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced)

14 And Jesus turned again in the virtue of the Spirit into Galilee, and the fame went forth of him through all the country. (And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and the story about him went forth throughout all the land.)
15 And he taught in the synagogues of them, and was magnified of all men. (And he taught in their synagogues, and was praised by everyone.)
16 And he came to Nazareth, where he was nourished (or where he grew up), and he entered after his custom in (or on) the sabbath day into a synagogue or and he entered after his custom in the sabbath day into the synagogue, and rose to read.
17 And the book of Esaias, the prophet, was taken to him; and as he turned the book, he found a place, where it was written, (And the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him; and as he turned the scroll, he found a place, where it was written,)
18 The Spirit of the Lord is up on me, for which thing he anointed me; he sent me to preach or to evangelize to poor men, to heal contrite men in heart, and to preach remission (or a pardon) to (the) prisoners or to (the) captives, and sight to blind men, and to deliver broken men into remission (or and to give relief to broken men);
19 to preach the year of the Lord pleasant, and the day of yielding again. to preach the year of the Lord accepted, or pleasant, and the day of retribution, or yielding again. (to proclaim the exceptional year of the Lord, yea, the Day of Reward.)
20 And when he had closed the book, he gave it again to the minister, and sat, (or And when he had rolled up the scroll, he gave it back to the priest, and sat down); and the eyes of all men in the synagogue were beholding into him.
21 And he began to say to them, For in this day this scripture is fulfilled in your ears.
22 And all men gave witnessing to him (or And everyone gave good testimony about him), and wondered in the words of grace, that came forth of or that came out of his mouth. And they said, Whether this is not the son of Joseph?
23 And he said to them, Soothly ye shall say to me this likeness, Leech, heal thyself, (or Truly, or Surely, ye shall say to me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself). The Pharisees said to Jesus, How (or What) great things have we heard done in Capernaum, do thou also here in thy country.
24 And he said, Truly I say to you, that no prophet is received or is accepted in his own country. (And he said, I tell you the truth, no prophet is accepted in his hometown.)
25 In truth I say to you, that many widows were in the days of Elias, the prophet, in Israel, when heaven was closed three years and six months, when great hunger was made in all the earth or in every land; (Truly I say to you, or I tell you the truth, that there were many widows in Israel, in the days of the prophet Elijah, when the heavens were closed up for three years and six months, when great hunger was made in every land;)
26 and to none of them was Elias sent, (no) but into Sarepta of Sidon, to a woman a widow or no but to Sarepta of Sidon, to a woman widow. (and to none of them was Elijah sent, except unto Sarepta of Sidon, yea, to a widow woman.)
27 And many mesels were in Israel, under Eliseus, the prophet, and none of them was cleansed, no but Naaman of Syria. (And there were many lepers in Israel, at the time of the prophet Elisha, and none of them were cleansed, except for Naaman of Syria.)
28 And all in the synagogue hearing these things, were filled with wrath.
29 And they rose up, and drove him out without the city, and led him to the top of the hill on which their city was builded, to cast him down (or to throw him down).
30 But Jesus passed (forth), and went through the middle of them; (But Jesus passed forth, and went through their midst;)

Luke 4:14-30 in Wycliffe Bible

14 And Jhesus turnede ayen in the vertu of the spirit in to Galilee, and the fame wente forth of hym thorou al the cuntre.
15 And he tauyte in the synagogis of hem, and was magnyfied of alle men.
16 And he cam to Nazareth, where he was norisschid, and entride aftir his custom in the sabat dai in to a synagoge, and roos to reed.
17 And the book of Ysaye, the prophete, was takun to hym; and as he turnede the book, he foond a place, where it was wrytun,
18 The Spirit of the Lord on me, for which thing he anoyntide me; he sente me to preche to pore men, to hele contrite men in herte,
19 and to preche remyssioun to prisoneris, and siyt to blynde men, and to delyuere brokun men in to remissioun; to preche the yeer of the Lord plesaunt, and the dai of yeldyng ayen.
20 And whanne he hadde closid the book, he yaf ayen to the mynystre, and sat; and the iyen of alle men in the synagoge were biholdynge in to hym.
21 And he bigan to seie to hem, For in this dai this scripture is fulfillid in youre eeris.
22 And alle men yauen witnessyng to hym, and wondriden in the wordis of grace, that camen forth of his mouth. And thei seiden, Whether this is not the sone of Joseph?
23 And he seide to hem, Sotheli ye schulen seie to me this liknesse, Leeche, heele thi silf. The Farisees seiden to Jhesu, Hou grete thingis han we herd don in Cafarnaum, do thou also here in thi cuntre.
24 And he seide, Treuli Y seie to you, that no profete is resseyued in his owne cuntre.
25 In treuthe Y seie to you, that many widowis weren in the daies of Elie, the prophete, in Israel, whanne heuene was closid thre yeer and sixe monethis, whanne greet hungur was maad in al the erthe;
26 and to noon of hem was Elye sent, but in to Sarepta of Sydon, to a widowe.
27 And many meseles weren in Israel, vndur Helisee, the prophete, and noon of hem was clensid, but Naaman of Sirye.
28 And alle in the synagoge herynge these thingis, weren fillid with wraththe.
29 And thei risen vp, and drouen hym out with out the citee, and ledden hym to the cop of the hil on which her citee was bildid, to caste hym doun.
30 But Jhesus passide, and wente thorou the myddil of hem; and cam doun in to Cafarnaum,
Luke 4 in Wycliffe Bible

Luke 4:14-30 in Young's Literal Translation

14 And Jesus turned back in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and a fame went forth through all the region round about concerning him,
15 and he was teaching in their synagogues, being glorified by all.
16 And he came to Nazareth, where he hath been brought up, and he went in, according to his custom, on the sabbath-day, to the synagogue, and stood up to read;
17 and there was given over to him a roll of Isaiah the prophet, and having unfolded the roll, he found the place where it hath been written:
18 'The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because He did anoint me; To proclaim good news to the poor, Sent me to heal the broken of heart, To proclaim to captives deliverance, And to blind receiving of sight, To send away the bruised with deliverance,
19 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.'
20 And having folded the roll, having given it back to the officer, he sat down, and the eyes of all in the synagogue were gazing on him.
21 And he began to say unto them — 'To-day hath this writing been fulfilled in your ears;'
22 and all were bearing testimony to him, and were wondering at the gracious words that are coming forth out of his mouth, and they said, 'Is not this the son of Joseph?'
23 And he said unto them, 'Certainly ye will say to me this simile, Physician, heal thyself; as great things as we heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country;'
24 and he said, 'Verily I say to you — No prophet is accepted in his own country;
25 and of a truth I say to you, Many widows were in the days of Elijah, in Israel, when the heaven was shut for three years and six months, when great famine came on all the land,
26 and unto none of them was Elijah sent, but — to Sarepta of Sidon, unto a woman, a widow;
27 and many lepers were in the time of Elisha the prophet, in Israel, and none of them was cleansed, but — Naaman the Syrian.'
28 And all in the synagogue were filled with wrath, hearing these things,
29 and having risen, they put him forth without the city, and brought him unto the brow of the hill on which their city had been built — to cast him down headlong,
30 and he, having gone through the midst of them, went away.