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Tyndale New Testament - Acts - Acts 27

Acts 27:24-39

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24sayinge: feare not Paul for thou must be brought before Cesar. And lo God hath geven vnto the all that sayle with the.
25Wherfore Syrs be of good chere: for I beleve God that so it shalbe even as it was tolde me.
26How be it we must be cast into a certayne ylonde.
27But when the fourtethe nyght was come as we were caryed in Adria about mydnyght the shipmen demed that ther appered some countre vnto them:
28and sounded and founde it .xx. feddoms. And when they had gone a lytell further they sounded agayne and founde .xv. feddoms.
29Then fearinge lest they shuld have fallen on some Rocke they cast .iiii. ancres out of the sterne and wysshed for the daye.
30As the shipmen were about to fle out of the ship and had let doune the bote into the see vnder a coloure as though they wolde have cast ancres out of the forshippe:
31Paul sayd vnto the vnder captayne and the soudiers: excepte these abyde in the ship ye cannot be safe.
32Then the soudiers cut of the rope of the bote and let it fall awaye.
33And in the meane tyme betwixt that and daye Paul besought them all to take meate sayinge: this is the fourtenthe daye that ye have taried and continued fastynge receavinge nothinge at all.
34Wherfore I praye you to take meate: for this no dout is for youre helth: for ther shall not an heere fall from the heed of eny of you.
35And when he had thus spoke he toke breed and gave thankes to God in presence of the all and brake it and begane to eate.
36Then were they all of good cheare and they also toke meate.
37We were all together in the ship two hundred thre score and sixtene soules.
38And when they had eate ynough they lightened the ship and cast out the wheate into the see.
39When that was daye they knew not the lande but they spied a certayne haven with a banke into the which they were mynded (yf that were possible) to thrust in the ship.

Read Acts 27Acts 27
Compare Acts 27:24-39Acts 27:24-39