32 And we show to you the promise that was made to our fathers;
33 for God hath fulfilled this to their sons, and again-raised Jesus (or and raised up Jesus); as in the second psalm it is written, Thou art my Son, today I begat thee.
34 And he that again-raised him from death or Forsooth that he again-raised him from (the) dead, that he should not turn again into corruption, said thus, For I shall give to you the holy true things of David. (And he who raised him from the dead, so that he would never return to corruption, or to death and destruction, said thus, I shall give you the holy and true blessings which I promised to David.)
35 Therefore and in another stead he saith, Thou shalt not give thine holy (One) to see corruption. (And so in another place he saith, Thou shalt not allow thine Holy One to experience death and destruction, that is, to rot in the grave.)
36 But David in his generation, when he had ministered to the will of God (or when he had served the will of God), died or slept, and was laid with his fathers, and saw corruption;
37 but he whom God raised from death or soothly he whom God raised from (the) dead, saw not corruption (or did not suffer corruption, or rot in the grave).
38 Therefore, brethren, be it known to you, that by him remission of sins is told to you, (And so brothers, let it be known to you, that through him forgiveness of sins is now told to you,)
39 from all sins, of which ye might not be justified in the law of Moses (or under the Law of Moses). In this each man that believeth, is justified.
40 Therefore see ye, that it come not to you, that is before-said in the prophets,
41 Ye despisers, see ye, and wonder ye, +or See ye, despisers, and wonder ye, and be ye scattered abroad; for I work a work in your days, a work that ye shall not believe, if any man shall tell it out to you.
42 And when they went out, they prayed, that in the sabbath (pur)suing (or that on the following Sabbath), they should speak to them these words.