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Geneva Bible 1599 - Song of Solomon - Song of Solomon 8

Song of Solomon 8:2-6

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2I will leade thee and bring thee into my mothers house: there thou shalt teache me: and I will cause thee to drinke spiced wine, and newe wine of the pomegranate.
3His left hand shalbe vnder mine head, and his right hand shall embrace me.
4I charge you, O daughters of Ierusale, that you stir not vp, nor waken my loue, vntil she please.
5(Who is this that commeth vp out of the wildernesse, leaning vpon her welbeloued?) I raysed thee vp vnder an apple tree: there thy mother conceiued thee: there she coceiued that bare thee.
6Set mee as a seale on thine heart, and as a signet vpon thine arme: for loue is strong as death: ielousie is cruel as the graue: the coles thereof are fierie coles, and a vehement flame.

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