3 Thy lips be as a red lace, and thy speech is sweet; as the remnant of an apple of Punic, so be thy cheeks, without that, that is hid within. (Thy lips be like a red lace, and thy voice is sweet; thy cheeks be like a piece of an apple of Punic or thy cheeks be like a piece of a pomegranate, behind thy veil.)
4 Thy neck is as the tower of David, which is builded with strongholds made before for defence; a thousand shields hang on it, all the armour of strong men. (Thy neck is like the tower of David, which is built with strongholds, or with bulwarks, made ahead of time for defence; a thousand shields hang on it, all the armour of the strong.)
5 Thy two teats be as two kids, twins of a capret, that be fed among (the) lilies, (Thy two breasts be like two kids, or like two fawns, yea, like the twins of a gazelle, that be fed among the lilies.)
6 till the day spring, and the shadows be bowed down. I shall go to the mountain of myrrh, and to the little hill of incense. (And when the day shall spring forth, and the shadows shall be bowed down, then I shall go to the mountain of myrrh, and to the little hill of incense.)