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Unlocked Literal Bible - Psalms - Psalms 77

Psalms 77:3-16

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3I thought of God as I groaned; I thought about him as I grew faint. Selah
4You held my eyes open; I was too troubled to speak.
5I thought about the days of old, about times long past.
6During the night I called to mind the song I once sang. I thought carefully and tried to understand what had happened.
7Will the Lord reject me forever? Will he never again show me favor?
8Was his covenant faithfulness gone forever? Had his promise failed forever?
9Had God forgotten to be gracious? Had his anger shut off his compassion? Selah
10I said, “This is my sorrow: the changing of the right hand of the Most High toward us.”
11But I will call to mind your deeds, Yahweh; I will think about your wonderful deeds of old.
12I will ponder all your deeds and will reflect on them.
13Your way, God, is holy; what god compares to our great God?
14You are the God who does wonders; you have revealed your strength among the peoples.
15You gave your people victory by your great power— the descendants of Jacob and Joseph. Selah
16The waters saw you, God; the waters saw you, and they were afraid; the depths trembled.

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