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Translation for Translators - Psalms - Psalms 73

Psalms 73:24-28

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24You guide me by teaching me, and ◄at the end of my life/when I die►, you will receive me and honor me.
25You are in heaven and I belong to you RHQ, and there is nothing on this earth that I desire more than that.
26My body and my mind may become very weak, but God, you continue to enable me to be strong; I belong to you forever.
27Those who remain far from you will be destroyed; you will get rid of those who abandon you.
28But as for me, it is wonderful to be near to God and to be protected by Yahweh, and to proclaim to others all that he has done for me.

Read Psalms 73Psalms 73
Compare Psalms 73:24-28Psalms 73:24-28