15But to resolve to speak like they do would be treachery to your children.
16So I sought to understand it, but a wearisome task it seemed:
17till I entered the holy world of God and saw clearly their destiny.
18Yes, you set them on slippery places; down to destruction you hurl them.
19One moment and then what a horror of ruin! They are finished and ended in terrors.
20Like a dream, when one wakes, shall they be, whose phantoms the waker despises.
21So my bitterness of mind and the pain that stabbed my heart
22show how dull I was and stupid just like a beast before you.
23But I am always with you, you have hold of my right hand.
24By a plan of yours you guide me and will afterward take me to glory.
25Whom have I in the heavens but you? And on earth there is none I desire beside you.
26Though flesh and heart waste away, yet God is the rock of my heart, yet God is my portion forever.
27For see! Those who are far from you must perish, you destroy all who are false to you.