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Free Bible Version - Psalms - Psalms 73

Psalms 73:1-14

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1A psalm of Asaph. Truly God is good to Israel, to those whose minds are pure.
2But I was stumbling, my feet were starting to slide,
3because I was jealous of self-important people—I saw how well the wicked were doing.
4They don't ever seem to get sick; they are strong and healthy.
5They don't have problems like other people; they don't get hit by disasters like everybody else.
6They wear their pride like a necklace; they clothe themselves with violence.
7Their eyes bulge out because they're so fat; their minds are full of selfish vanity.
8They mock people, and speak maliciously; they arrogantly threaten cruelty.
9They talk irreverently against heaven above, and defame people here on earth.
10As a result people turn to them and drink in everything they say.
11“God won't find out,” they say. “The Most High doesn't even know what's going on!”
12Look at these wicked people! They don't have a care in the world, and they're always making money!
13It's been pointless to keep my mind pure and my hands clean.
14I'm cursed with suffering all day long; every morning I'm punished.

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