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Bible Ni Thothup - Psalms - Psalms 6

Psalms 6:4-7

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4SOMOL, moy ngam ayuwegneg; u fithik’ e runguy rom e ngam lageg riy ko yam’.
5U lan e fayleng ko yam’ e dariy be’ ni ga ra yib ngan’ riy; ma dariy be’ nra pining e sorok ngom u rom.
6Ke aw parwog ko meyor; gubin e nep’ nma munur e chob rog nga lu’ag; gayul rog e ke wanum ko lu’.
7Ka ri chugur ni nge dab kug guy ban’en; ya owcheg e kari thow ni bochan e meyor ni be k’aring e pi to’ogor rog ngog.

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