1O God, save me, because I am in great danger. It is as though flood water is up to my neck, and I am about to drown MET.
2I continue to sink in the deep mud, and there is no solid ground for me to stand on. I am in deep water, and flood waters are swirling around me.
3I am exhausted from calling out for help; my throat is very dry. Because I have cried so much as I have waited for God to help me, my eyes are swollen.
4Those who hate me when there is no reason to hate me are more than the number of hairs on my head HYP! Those who want to get rid of me are strong, and they tell lies about me. They demand that I return to them things that I did not steal!
5O God, ◄you see the sins that I have committed/my sins are not hidden from you►. You know that I have foolishly disobeyed your laws.
6O Yahweh God, you who are the commander of the armies of heaven, do not allow the wrong things that I have done to cause those who trust in you to be disappointed/disillusioned. O God, you whom we Israeli people worship, do not allow me to cause your people to be humiliated.
7People have insulted/ridiculed me because I am devoted to you. They have thoroughly humiliated IDM me.
8Even my own older brothers act as if they do not know me; they treat me like a foreigner.
9Some people have despised your temple; but my zeal for keeping your temple holy is like a fire burning inside me. So it is as though those who are insulting you are also insulting me.
10When I have humbled myself and ◄fasted/abstained from eating food► to show my sadness about the disgraceful things that they have done to your temple, they just insult me.
11When I put on rough sackcloth to show that I am sad, they laugh at IDM me.
12Even the elders of the city say bad things about me. The drunkards of the city sing disgusting songs about me.
13But Yahweh, I will continue praying to you. At the time that you choose, answer me and rescue me because you faithfully love me.
14Do not allow me to sink anymore in the mud. Rescue me from those who hate me! Lift me up out of these deep waters!