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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - Psalms - Psalms 65

Psalms 65:1-8

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1To victory, the psalm of the song of David. God, praising becometh thee in Zion; and a vow shall be yielded to thee in Jerusalem. (For the choirmaster, a psalm, yea, a song by David. God, praises be due to thee in Zion; and our vows shall be paid to thee in Jerusalem.)
2Hear thou my prayer; each man shall come to thee. (Hear thou my prayer; let everyone come to thee.)
3The words of wicked men had the mastery over us; and thou shalt do mercy to our wickednesses. (The words of the wicked had the mastery over us; but thou hath shown mercy toward our wickednesses.)
4Blessed is he, whom thou hast chosen, and hast taken; he shall dwell in thy foreyards. We shall be ful filled with the goods of thine house; thy temple is holy, (Happy is he, whom thou hast chosen, and thou hast brought to live in thy courtyards; and we shall be satisfied with the good things of thy House, yea, of thy holy Temple.)
5wonderful in equity. God, our health, hear thou us; thou art hope of all coasts of earth, and in the sea afar. (With wonderful things, and with victory, thou answereth us, O God, our salvation, or O God, our deliverance; thou art the hope of all who be at the ends of the earth, and who be far across the sea.)
6And thou makest ready hills in thy virtue, and art girded with power; (And thou preparest the mountains with thy strength, and thou art girded with power;)
7which troublest the depth of the sea, the sound of the waves thereof. Folks shall be troubled, (ye who maketh the sea to be still, when it is troubled, yea, who quieteth the roar of its waves. And the people as well; when they be troubled.)
8and they that dwell in the ends shall dread of thy signs; thou shalt delight the outgoings of the morrowtide and eventide. (And they who live at the ends of the earth shall be filled with awe at thy signs; thou even makest the morning and the evening to have delight at what thou hast done.)

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