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Isaac Leeser Tanakh - Psalms - Psalms 55

Psalms 55:14-20

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14(55:15) So that we took sweet secret counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in tumultuous company.
15(55:16) Let him dispense death over them; let them go down alive into the nether world; for evil is in their dwelling, in the midst of them.
16(55:17) I, however, will call on God: and the Lord will save me.
17(55:18) At evening and morning and noon will I make my complaint and moan: and he heareth my voice.—
18(55:19) He delivereth my soul in peace from the battle against me; for in multitudes are they contending with me.
19(55:20) God will hear, and humble them—yea, he that sitteth enthroned from the oldest time Selah—those who dread no changes, and fear not God.
20(55:21) He stretcheth out his hands against those at peace with him: he violateth his covenant.

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