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One Unity Resource Bible - Psalms [Praises] - Psalms [Praises] 55

Psalms [Praises] 55:14-20

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14We took sweet fellowship together. We walked in God’s house with company.
15Let death come suddenly on them. Let them go down alive into Sheol ·Place of the dead·. For wickedness is among them, in their dwelling.
16As for me, I will call on God. Adonai will save me.
17Evening, morning, and at noon, I will cry out in distress. He will sh'ma ·hear obey· my voice.
18He has redeemed my soul in peace from the battle that was against me, although there are many who oppose me.
19God, who is enthroned forever, will sh'ma ·hear obey·, and humble them. Selah ·contemplation with musical interlude·. They never change, who don’t fear God.
20He raises his hands against his friends. He has violated his covenant.

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