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Unlocked Literal Bible - Psalms - Psalms 35

Psalms 35:9-28

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9But I will be joyful in Yahweh and rejoice in his salvation.
10All my bones will say, “Yahweh, who is like you, who rescues the oppressed from those who are too strong for them and the poor and needy from those who try to rob them?”
11Unrighteous witnesses rise up; they accuse me falsely.
12They repay me evil for good. I am sorrowful.
13But, when they were sick, I wore sackcloth; I fasted for them with my head bowed on my chest.
14I went about in grief as for my brother; I bent down in mourning as for my mother.
15But when I stumbled, they rejoiced and gathered together; they gathered together against me, and I was surprised by them. They tore at me without stopping.
16With no respect at all they mocked me; they grind their teeth at me in rage.
17Lord, how long will you look on? Rescue my soul from their destructive attacks, my life from the lions.
18Then I will thank you in the great assembly; I will praise you among many people.
19Do not let my deceitful enemies rejoice over me; do not let them carry out their wicked schemes.
20For they do not speak peace, but they devise deceitful words against those in our land who live in peace.
21They open their mouths wide against me; they said, “Aha, Aha, our eyes have seen it.”
22You have seen it, Yahweh, do not be silent; Lord, do not be far from me.
23Arouse yourself and awake to my defense; My God and my Lord, defend my cause.
24Defend me, Yahweh my God, because of your righteousness; do not let them rejoice over me.
25Do not let them say in their heart, “Aha, we have what we wanted.” Do not let them say, “We have devoured him.”
26May they be put to shame and may they be confounded who rejoice at my distress. May those who exalt themselves over me be clothed with shame and dishonor.
27Let those who desire my vindication shout for joy and be glad; may they say continually, “Yahweh be praised, he who delights in the welfare of his servant.”
28Then I will tell of your justice and praise you all day long.

Read Psalms 35Psalms 35
Compare Psalms 35:9-28Psalms 35:9-28