6Yea, already doth he lift my head above my enemies, who are around me; Therefore in his tabernacle will I offer sacrifices with the sound of trumpets; I will sing, yea, with instruments of music I will give praise to the LORD.
7Hear my voice, O LORD! when I cry unto thee; Have pity upon me, and answer me!
8When I think of thy precept, “Seek ye my face!” Thy face, LORD, do I seek.
9O hide not thou thy face from me; Cast not thy servant away in displeasure! Thou hast been my help, do not leave me; Do not forsake me, O God, my helper!
10For my father and my mother have forsaken me; But the LORD will take me up.
11Teach me thy way, O LORD! And lead me in the right path, because of my enemies!