6So that she cannot balance the path of life; her tracks are unsteady, and she knoweth it not.
7And now, O ye children, hearken unto me, and depart not from the sayings of my mouth.
8Remove far from her thy way, and come not nigh to the door of her house;
9That thou mayest not give up unto others thy vigor, and thy years unto the cruel;
10That strangers may not satisfy themselves with thy strength, and with thy exertions, in the house of an alien:
11While thou moanest at thy end, when thy flesh and thy body are coming to their end,
12And thou sayest, How have I hated correction, and how hath my heart rejected reproof;
13While I hearkened not to the voice of my instructors, and to my teachers I inclined not my ear;
14But little more was wanting, and I had been in all kinds of unhappiness in the midst of the congregation and assembly.
15Drink water out of thy own cistern, and running waters out of thy own well.
16So will thy springs overflow abroad; and in the open streets will be thy rivulets of water;
17They will be thy own only, and not those of strangers with thee.