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Isaac Leeser Tanakh - Proverbs - Proverbs 29

Proverbs 29:3-13

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3The man that loveth wisdom causeth his father to rejoice; but he that keepeth company with harlots wasteth his wealth.
4A king will through the exercise of justice establish the welfare of a land; but one that loveth gifts overthroweth it.
5A man that flattereth his neighbor spreadeth a net for his steps.
6In the transgression of a man there is an evil snare: but the righteous ever singeth and rejoiceth.
7The righteous considereth the cause of the indigent: but the wicked will not understand the knowledge of justice.
8Scornful men will kindle confusion in a town; but the wise turn away wrath.
9If a wise man contend with a foolish man, whether he be angry or whether he laugh, he will have no rest.
10Men of blood hate the guiltless one; but the upright seek to preserve his life.
11A fool uttereth all his mind; but the wise holdeth it back.
12If a ruler listen to the word of falsehood, all his servants become wicked.
13The poor and the man of exactions meet together: the Lord enlighteneth the eyes of both of them.

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