23 He that reproveth a man, shall find grace afterward with him, (or He who rebuketh someone, shall find favour afterward with him); more than he that deceiveth by flatterings of (the) tongue.
24 He that withdraweth anything from his father and from his mother, and saith that this is no sin, is partner of a man-queller (or is the partner of, or no better than, a murderer).
25 He that avaunteth himself, and alargeth, raiseth up strives; but he that hopeth in the Lord, shall be saved. (He who vaunteth, and enlargeth, himself, raiseth up arguments, or contention; but he who trusteth in the Lord, shall be saved.)
26 He that trusteth in his (own) heart, is a fool; but he that goeth wisely, shall be praised.