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Geneva Bible 1599 - Proverbs - Proverbs 26

Proverbs 26:17-26

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17He that passeth by and medleth with the strife that belongeth not vnto him, is as one that taketh a dog by the eares.
18As he that faineth himselfe mad, casteth fire brands, arrowes, and mortall things,
19So dealeth the deceitfull man with his friend and sayth, Am not I in sport?
20Without wood the fire is quenched, and without a talebearer strife ceaseth.
21As ye cole maketh burning coles, and wood a fire, so the contentious man is apt to kindle strife.
22The wordes of a tale bearer are as flatterings, and they goe downe into the bowels of the belly.
23As siluer drosse ouerlayde vpon a potsheard, so are burning lips, and an euill heart.
24He that hateth, will counterfaite with his lips, but in his heart he layeth vp deceite.
25Though he speake fauourably, beleeue him not: for there are seuen abominations in his heart.
26Hatred may be couered by deceite: but the malice thereof shall be discouered in the congregation.

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