10 Delights become not a fool; neither it becometh a servant to be (the) lord of princes.
11 The teaching of a man is known by patience; and his glory is to pass over wicked things. (Patience showeth a person’s wisdom,or the lack of it; and a person’s glory is to overlook a wrong.)
12 As the gnashing of a lion, so and the ire of the king; and as dew on herb, so and the gladness of the king. (Like the gnashing of a lion, (is) the king’s anger; and like the dew on the grass, (is) the king’s gladness.)
13 The sorrow of the father is a fond son; and roofs dropping continually is a woman full of chiding. (A father’s sorrow (is) a foolish son; and a woman full of arguments, (or of bickering, is) like a roof continually dripping water.)
14 Houses and riches be given of father and mother; but a prudent wife is given properly of the Lord. (Houses and riches be given to thee by thy father and mother; but a prudent wife cometh only from the Lord.)
15 Sloth bringeth in sleep; and a negligent soul shall have hunger.
16 He that keepeth the commandment of God, keepeth his soul; but he that chargeth not his way, shall be slain. (He who keepethGod’s commandments, keepeth his life safe; but he who despiseth the Lord’s way, shall die.)
17 He that hath mercy on a poor man, lendeth to the Lord, (or He who hath mercy on the poor, lendeth to the Lord); and he shall yield his while to him.