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Bible in Basic English - Proverbs - Proverbs 17

Proverbs 17:7-25

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7Fair words are not to be looked for from a foolish man, much less are false lips in a ruler.
8An offering of money is like a stone of great price in the eyes of him who has it: wherever he goes, he does well.
9He who keeps a sin covered is looking for love; but he who keeps on talking of a thing makes division between friends.
10A word of protest goes deeper into one who has sense than a hundred blows into a foolish man.
11An uncontrolled man is only looking for trouble, so a cruel servant will be sent against him.
12It is better to come face to face with a bear whose young ones have been taken away than with a foolish man acting foolishly.
13If anyone gives back evil for good, evil will never go away from his house.
14The start of fighting is like the letting out of water: so give up before it comes to blows.
15He who gives a decision for the evil-doer and he who gives a decision against the upright, are equally disgusting to the Lord.
16How will money in the hand of the foolish get him wisdom, seeing that he has no sense?
17A friend is loving at all times, and becomes a brother in times of trouble.
18A man without sense gives his hand in an agreement, and makes himself responsible before his neighbour.
19The lover of fighting is a lover of sin: he who makes high his doorway is looking for destruction.
20Nothing good comes to him whose heart is fixed on evil purposes: and he who has an evil tongue will come to trouble.
21He who has an unwise son gets sorrow for himself, and the father of a foolish son has no joy.
22A glad heart makes a healthy body, but a crushed spirit makes the bones dry.
23A sinner takes an offering out of his robe, to get a decision for himself in a cause.
24Wisdom is before the face of him who has sense; but the eyes of the foolish are on the ends of the earth.
25A foolish son is a grief to his father, and bitter pain to her who gave him birth.

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Compare Proverbs 17:7-25Proverbs 17:7-25