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Unlocked Literal Bible - Proverbs - Proverbs 11

Proverbs 11:3-30

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3The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crooked ways of the treacherous destroy them.
4Wealth is worthless on the day of wrath, but doing right keeps you from death.
5The right conduct of a blameless person makes his way straight, but the wicked will fall because of their own wickedness.
6The right conduct of those who please God keeps them safe, but the treacherous are trapped by their cravings.
7When a wicked man dies, his hope perishes and the hope that was in his strength comes to nothing.
8The righteous person is kept away from trouble and it comes upon the wicked instead.
9With his mouth the godless person destroys his neighbor, but through knowledge righteous people are kept safe.
10When righteous people prosper, a city rejoices; when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy.
11Through the good gifts of those who please God, the city becomes great; by the mouth of the wicked, the city is torn down.
12The man who has contempt for his friend has no sense, but a man of understanding keeps quiet.
13Whoever goes around slandering reveals secrets, but a faithful person keeps a matter covered.
14Where there is no wise direction, a nation falls, but victory comes by consulting many advisors.
15Whoever guarantees a loan for a stranger will surely suffer harm, but the one who hates giving a pledge in that kind of promise is safe.
16A gracious woman gets honor, but ruthless people grasp for wealth.
17A kind person benefits himself, but one who is cruel hurts himself.
18The wicked person lies to get his wages, but one who sows what is right reaps the wages of truth.
19An honest person who does what is right will live, but the one who pursues evil will die.
20Yahweh hates those whose hearts are perverse, but he delights in those whose ways are blameless.
21Be sure of this—the wicked person will not go unpunished, but the descendants of righteous people will be kept safe.
22Like a gold ring in a pig's nose is a beautiful woman without discretion.
23The desires of righteous people result in good, but wicked people can only hope for wrath.
24There is one who scatters—he will accumulate even more; another withholds what he should give—he comes to poverty.
25The generous person will prosper and the one who gives water to others will have water for himself.
26People curse the man who refuses to sell grain, but good gifts crown the head of him who sells it.
27The one who diligently seeks good is also seeking favor, but the one who searches for evil will find it.
28Those who trust in their riches will fall, but like the leaf, righteous people will flourish.
29The one who brings trouble on his own household will inherit the wind and the fool will become a servant to the wise of heart.
30The righteous person will be like a tree of life, but violence takes away lives.

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