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Maaron Saveeŋ Toni Patabuaŋ - Mbouŋ to Yes Israela - Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 63

Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 63:7-8

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7Pasa, yom to Ulaaŋa tiou. You naneep pooi ila nimam samba inimale tatareek ndinatu tiyooŋ ila tinandi bage samba. Tauto tinig iza, ve namboumbou.
8You lolog ineep tuŋia ilat tiom, ve nimam waan ipapalot ghou.

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Compare Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 63:7-8Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 63:7-8