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Maaron Saveeŋ Toni Patabuaŋ - Mbouŋ to Yes Israela - Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 25

Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 25:10-19

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10Yes to matadi kisin saveeŋ mbuaaŋ todi toman Yoova, ve titaghon ataam to ye ighuri pa tamtoghon toni, ye lolo ineep tuŋia ila todi ve iuluul di itaghon saveeŋ mbuaaŋ toni.
11O Yoova, you nagham sosor naol. Eemoghon izam tiina pa ŋgar tiom to lolom isasamin yei tamtoghon. Tovenen ureu sosor tiou.
12Tamtoghon tisob to timatughez pa Yoova ve tighaze titaghon ŋgar toni, ye pale ipatooŋ di pa ataam. Leso tiwatag sa ataam to yes irau titaghoni.
13Ndiran tovene, nepooŋadi pale poia kat. Ve ndinatudi paam, pale tineep pooi izi taan to Yoova igham pa tamtoghon toni.
14Yes to timatughez pa Yoova ve titaghon ŋgar toni, tinim ndita kat. Tovenen ye ivovotia ŋgar toni yoŋgaaŋ padi, ve ipatooŋ di pa ataam to yesŋa tilup di tinim ee moghon itaghon saveeŋ mbuaaŋ toni.
15Sawa isob, you naghurghur matag pa Yoova naghaze ye pale iuul ghou. Pale ipas agheg pa liis to koiagŋa tighuri payou.
16Yoova, you mbesooŋa tiom. Tovenen matam imuul inim payou. Lolom isamin ghou, ve uul ghou pa pataŋani tiou. Pasa, you eŋgengou moghon. Leg itag ite pa iuul ghou pa pataŋani tiou tonene maau.
17Lolog ipataŋan kat ve nagham ŋgar naol. Pasa, leg ataam eta maau. Upas ghou navot pa pataŋani tiou tonene.
18Ughita pataŋani tiina to ivot payou ve itatan ghou ne, ve uul ghou. Ve ureu sosor tiou tisob tilaledi.
19Ughita. Koiagŋa, yes ival. Ve atedi yabyab payou kat. Tighaze le tiwaghamun ghou.

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