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Maaron Saveeŋ Toni Patabuaŋ - Mbouŋ to Yes Israela - Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 136

Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 136:12-16

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12Sawa tonenen, ye ipatooŋ tapiri tiina ivot ighazooŋ.
13Ye ivalag te le pida ila pa ŋas, ve pida ila pa waan, ve taan mamaasa ivot.
14Ve ighereb yes Israela, ve tilaagh ila taan mamaasa to ineep bodbodaaŋ to te, ve tivool tila pa dige ite.
15Ve igham Te Kaviaaŋa itatab kinik to yes Isipa toman ndaaba toni, le tisob tighun te ve timatmaat.
16Ye imuuŋ pa tamtoghon toni, ve yesŋa tilaghlaagh izi ndug balim.

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