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Maaron Saveeŋ Toni Patabuaŋ - Mbouŋ to Yes Israela - Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 119

Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 119:159-164

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159O Yoova, ughita. Tutuuŋ to yom ughur di, you lolog padi kat. Uul ghou naneep pooi. Pasa, lolom ineep tuŋia ila to tamtoghon tiom ve uluul di.
160Saveeŋ tiom pughu tovene: Yom avom onoon, ve utaghon saveeŋ mbuaaŋ tiom irau sawa isob. Ve tutuuŋ tiom to naol, nene deŋiadi moghon, ve tinepneep tovene itaghoni taghoni gha ila.
161Yes daba to taan tighurghur pataŋani payou sorok. Eemoghon you namatughez padi maau. Saveeŋ tiom moghon to namatughez pani.
162Saveeŋ tiom igham lolog poia kat, nanimale tamtoghon to ilaagh ila le indeeŋ le mbeb poia eez.
163Ŋgar kaarom to naol, you lolog padi maau kat, ve naghur koi padi. Eemoghon saveeŋ tiom, ghoro lolog pani kat.
164Ndag to naol ne, napait ghom pa liim ve ru. Pasa, gabizooŋ tiom, nene deŋia moghon.

Read Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 119Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 119
Compare Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 119:159-164Mbouŋ to Yes Israela 119:159-164