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Plain English Version - Mark - Mark 6

Mark 6:30-41

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30Some time later the 12 close followers of Jesus came back from telling his message to all the communities. They stood around Jesus and told him everything they did and what they taught the people in the communities.
31While they were talking, lots of other people were coming up to Jesus all the time, so Jesus and his followers didn’t get a chance to eat any food. Jesus was worried for his followers, so he said to them, “Let’s go to a quiet place out bush so that you can rest for a while.”
32So Jesus and his followers got into a boat and started to go across the lake to a quiet place away from all the people. But lots of people saw them leave.
33They were from a lot of different communities, but they knew the place that Jesus and his close followers were going to. They ran around the side of the lake and got there first, before the boat.
34Jesus and his close followers came to that place and got out of the boat. Jesus looked at the mob of people waiting for him and he felt sad inside for them. They didn’t have anyone looking after them. They were like a mob of sheep that had no boss to take care of them. So Jesus started to teach them lots of things.
35At the end of the day, the close followers of Jesus went to him and said, “It’s nearly time for the sun to go down and we are way out here in the bush.
36You have to send the people away from here so that they can find some food. They can go to a nearby farm or community to buy some food to eat.”
37Jesus said to them, “You mob give them some food to eat.” But they said, “What? We haven’t got that much food. Do you want us to go and buy a lot of bread for them? That will cost thousands of dollars.”
38Jesus said to his followers, “How much food have you got? Go and have a look.” They came back to him and said, “We’ve got 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.”
39Jesus told his followers to get the people to sit on the green grass in groups, maybe about 50 people or about 100 people in each group.
41Then Jesus picked up the bread and the fish, looked up to the sky and said, “Thank you God for this bread and fish.” Then Jesus broke up the bread and fish and gave the pieces to his followers to give to the people.

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