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Bro Nkifrarhu Mrokfot - Luk - Luk 2

Luk 2:13-43

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13Inji yuhre nd rpa mounmotrpno naptha hasoyetmn, asha tfit wom yonmari mounmot rifhur yura moun yuhat fawihnamom. Yawihnehato nd wom mounmotrpno naptha hasomo tkitt mirifiny hmbri yaknamom. Mirifinyaknehato miptha yindhorakna memom,
14“O yura hefenrhu tunga Nkifraye, nda bbinysofthu yimam ni hti yindhorwam wayak marnyakahtnm, yima yuhum noh hmbrerahmm.”
15Nd mounmot rifhur inji naptha tanyhato tfit wayakhato yura hefenko muhmom. Nd sifsifroh tohukatohm htiyafomomm, bi kitwome, ee rom tfit tum rinakfo nakfo memom, “Barenko, Betlehemko aikahnomn, htirahnom nd Bror kfi yonr.”
16Be inji napthanihato bmbri Betlehemko yimomn, hambro hanyhato mhtimomf Josef Maria sawohf yo nd yonr bulmakauroh yeshri yeyuk tkitt wahtetrn.
17Nd yonr mhtihato mkfo memom, “O, nom nda yonrhu nur nmbuhat Bro Nkifrarhu mounmotm niaromn, kfo meromnom nd yonr bi fnurr. Nom rroh tngt wany sanyhato nienom nda yonrhu htit.”
18Bok yimam nd sifsifroh tohukatohm inji kfomotm, riduka adukamom.
19Mariat nd wanymo mrokfefm wanymotmn, be yima yuhurn wany hmbritamotm. Be memot, “Be afo htiyafo hanyrahnom.”
20Be nd sifsifroh tohukatohm inji hti tanyhato be tfit yindhorefrparpno yimom turohko. Nd rom htihato wanymo mrokfom turoh nyingaye hti yimbu hikmomn, be nhai wom mrokfom ptharmom. Be yindhorefrparpno yimom.
21Kto 8-pela marm rhunimomn, yonrhu that puk thunihato ee yufat nd yiharn futamomr Jisasr. Nd Jisas yufat bi mounmotrn Mariatpno niamohat yonrhu yufat bi mikfo nuhas tany memort, “Jisas yufat wayutatwanr.”
22Josef sawohf, Mosesrhu thfa mntwathu mrokfom yak hiketfn, nd yonr nurnimohat afo yuk trufnimofn, ee tfit kto Jerusalemko hanymofr nd nfri yonr Bro Nkifrarhu henyeft.
23Bi Bro Nkifrarhu thfa mntwatn bi kfo memot, “Barkof nkati yonr nuryukr, nanhu yufatn rhukfot.” To be ndnettn hanymofr Jerusalemkorn, rorhu hekfotn.
24Kandhi mthaneft nhaf inji buga, bi thfa mntwatn mrokfot bi ruhettn, memof, “Hus ganyom mmkrf o nda mtimohet rgumif kandhi mtharahnonrko.” Nd nd hingrneftn nd yonr hanymofr.
25Rom riphar yimom, nd yihart Jerusalemt tohmour wom yimar. Nd yimarhu yufat Simionr. Nd yimar be tu hifa dborioh yimar tohmour. Bro Nkifrarhu thfa mntwat kfoyuk mrokfom kak hik bugamourm. Ror tohmoahat gari haso memour, “Nko fitoh yiha nd Isrerroh minrfa htiyakyuk yimar nieruhar?” Bro Nkifrarhu Yafothat toh natwihmoutr Simionr.
26Nd Yafothatn bi kfo memotr, “Ni afo tafi noh duhatnn, htirahnr nd Bror kfomo yimaroh minfra htiyakyukr nia thombat.”
27To Josef Mariarof Mosesrhu thfa mntwat yakitohetfn, nd yon Jisasr bi Bro Nkifrarhu temperrn hany hanymofr, Bro Nkifrarhu henyeftn. Josef riphar bi yau hanyetmn Simionr Bro Nkifrar thu yuhurmorr rmonko yinyeft.
28Simionr be yihato temperr rim fnahnihato nd riphar rhu hasetmn, rim htimorm. Rim htihato nd yon Jisasr fakmorr. Yakitoh hanyhato Bro Nkifrarpno wukfo yindhor memor,
29“O, Broye, nd ni nanpno kfomo mrokfot asor nd yonr bi tukanhu nyingaye bi htitanr. Be na arihat nohneft nhai mrokfom.
30Na bi tukanhu nyingaye bi htitant ni minrfa htiyakruha nmbuhat.
31Kto nda bbinysof thofm hti bugarahmt.
32Bro Nkifrar Isrerm minrfa htiyakruha nmbuhat, nd ror hnaruha nukeftn, nd wom tangishofm htiruhamn, nd nukeftn yak dukarahtm. Ndnatn tfit ninhu yon kunys, rorn nd nukeft hneruhatrt, rom bro nukeft yakruhattm, ndnatn bro yindhoreft yakrahmt.”
33Jisasrhu yifammaf inji wanyhato rof tfit duka nhtahato kfo memof, “Nda Simionr kfiwa mrokfothu mna yuhate, nko finji rhuruhat?” Tfit rof sawo inji fak nhtamouft.
34Be Simionr Nkifrarhu yufatpno yak wus bowusnimormn, Mariat kfo memort, “Wawanyn, Bro Nkifrar ror htafmor nmoh minrfa htiyakyukr. Bok Isrerm rorhu mrokfefm hanyjbornahato suhrahm. Womm nd rorhu mrokfom yak hikyukm, rom tfit yak kasinyaf hanyrahrm. Nd yima yuhu behohetm o dborioh yima yuhetm ndnatn hti nhtahato mirahmnom, ‘O arr ndhtet yimayer.’
35Ndnatn bok yimaroh yima yuhum yak duka tungarahrm. Yak duka tungaruhatrm, tafont rhurahm. Nd ni hiyauyuk yonr bok krho nmbuham yakruhatr, ni nd yonrhu hiyau mmemn htiruhann, krhorahn. Mirahme, ‘Kfraye waswomr yima yuhur.’”
36Ndharn wom profet mett tohmout. Rothu yufat Anat. Rothu yifemr Fanyuerr. Nd yima Fanyuerr Asa frikef yuhat niamor. Rot tmaht tohmohat ram fakmot. Ram yakmotn, nhai toh buhtarmor ramemr. Be 7-pela gunyjimrpam tohhato nohmor.
37Ramemr noh htanimotrt, to be dhirt tohmout. Rothu gunyjimm bi 84-kfot rhumom. Nd metthu toh nmbuhat tohmoahat, nhai Bro Nkifrarhu temperr thu trohrmoatr. Yifung marm be Bro Nkifrarhu temperrn rhuhato nuwa kurhato kfo bruttna hasomout.
38Maria Josefrof nd yonrhu nmbuhatn Simionrpno naptha hasetmn, Anat nd temperr ruhettn, niahato Bro Nkifrar mkfo yindhormotr. Kfo yindhornihato nd yonrhu mrokfot kfo nuhas hi hanymotm yimam. Kfo hi hany memoutm, “Niko Bro Nkifrarn gari haso memoa Jerusalemrhu minrfa htiyakyuk yimar ahnarr, to bi tor, bi niamor.” Inji kfo nuhas hi hanymoutm.
39Josef sawohf nd thfa mntwat kfoyuk tamoh tamoh hingrnefenm hingrna truf bugamofmn, tfit yimof Galilikorhof kmi Nasaretko.
40Nasaretn tohhato yima yonr warhonimor. Yima yonr warho hanymo fijo, yima dukefm rpat yimarhu warheftpno fak hikmom. Yo yonrhu toh nmbuham Bro Nkifrar toh natwihmotrr, be hifa hifa toh marnyamor.
41Pasofa burwat Jerusalemrn rifinyhato htamoumt. Jisasrhu yifammaf rpa rpa gunyjimm Jerusalemko yihato hti rhunhomoufm.
42Josef Maria sawohf nd Pasofa yiham nhai rhurmoaf, yiha yiha yimouf. Wom Pasofa yiharn Jisasr bi 12-pela gunyjimetrn, hik hanymorf.
43Jerusalemko yimomn, nd Pasofakfothu rhuyuk yiham rhunimomn, be tfit Josef sawohf memof tufhuko ainyo. To be rof sinyani yimof. Rof sinyanimohat, memof yinem yonr ka bi wommpno nyinga yuhat tohak hanitr. To nhai, ror Bro Nkifrarhu temperr rhu hasetrn, yifamma sawohf htanymofr. Rof yimofn, nd Nasaretko yiyuk yimampno myau hikaknihato memoufm, “Nnoh yonre htitawokomr o nhai?” Tfit womm mhtimoufm kfo ttiwon memoufm, “Nnoh yon htitawokomr, o nhai?” Ttiwonhanysi, ttiwonhanysi, be tfit mkekutakhato tfit Jerusalemko yimof, rpa marr hambrotihato.

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