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Wycliffe Bible - Leviticus - Leviticus 26

Leviticus 26:2-12

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2Kepe ye my sabatis, and drede ye at my seyntuarie; Y am the Lord.
3If ye gon in myn heestis, and kepen my comaundementis, and doon tho, Y schal yyue to you reynes in her tymes,
4and the erthe schal brynge forth his fruyt, and trees schulen be fillid with applis;
5the threschyng of ripe cornes schal take vyndage, and vyndage schal occupie seed, and ye schulen ete youre breed in fulnesse, and ye schulen dwelle in youre lond without drede.
6Y schal yyue pees in youre coostis; ye schulen slepe, and noon schal be that schal make you aferd; Y schal do awei yuel beestis fro you, and a swerd schal not passe bi youre termes.
7Ye schulen pursue youre enemyes, and thei schulen falle bifor you;
8fyue of youre men schulen pursue an hundrid aliens, and an hundrid of you schulen pursue ten thousande; youre enemyes schulen falle bi swerd in youre siyt.
9Y schal biholde you, and Y schal make you to encreesse; ye schulen be multiplied; and Y schal make stedfast my couenaunt with you;
10ye schulen ete the eldest of elde thingis, and ye schulen caste forth elde thingis, whanne newe thingis schulen come aboue;
11Y schal sette my tabernacle in the myddis of you, and my soule schal not caste you awey;
12Y schal go among you, and Y schal be youre God, and ye schulen be a puple to me.

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