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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - Leviticus - Leviticus 21

Leviticus 21:14-23

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14he shall not take a widow, and a forsaken woman, and a foul woman, and (a) whore, but a virgin of his people; (he shall not wed a widow, or a forsaken woman, or a defiled woman, or a whore, but only a virgin out of his people;)
15meddle he not the generation of his kin to the common people of his folk, for I am the Lord, that halloweth him. (and so he shall not mix together, or dishonour, any of the generation of his kin among the common people, for I am the Lord, who maketh him holy.)
16And the Lord spake to Moses, and said,
17Speak thou to Aaron; a man of thy seed, by families, that hath a wem, that is, a notable foulness, shall not offer bread to his God, (Say thou to Aaron, A man of thy seed, among thy families, who hath a blemish, that is, a notable foulness, shall not offer the bread, or the loaves, to his God,)
18neither shall nigh to his service; (nor), if he is blind; if he is crooked; if he is either of little, either of great, or wrong nose; (nor shall he come to do his service; nor, as well, if he is blind, or lame; or too small, or too big;)
19if he is of broken foot, either hand; (if he hath a crippled, or deformed, hand or foot;)
20if he hath a botch, or a bulge, on his back; either if he is bleary-eyed; if he hath white colour, or a pearl, in his eye, that hindereth his sight; if he hath (a) continual scab; if he hath a dry scab in his body (or if he hath a dry scab on his body); either if he be bruised in (the) privy members.
21Each man of the seed of Aaron the priest, that hath a wem (or who hath any blemish, or any fault), shall not nigh to offer sacrifices to the Lord, neither to offer loaves to his God;
22nevertheless he shall (still) eat the loaves that be offered in the saintuary,
23so only that he enter not within the veil; he shall not nigh to the altar, for he hath a wem, and he shall not defoul my saintuary; I am the Lord, that hallow them. (so only that he not come within the Veil; he shall not approach the altar, for he hath a blemish, or a fault, and he shall not defile my sanctuary; I am the Lord who maketh them holy.)

Read Leviticus 21Leviticus 21
Compare Leviticus 21:14-23Leviticus 21:14-23