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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling - Leviticus - Leviticus 16

Leviticus 16:1-19

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1And the Lord spake to Moses, after the death of the two sons of Aaron, when they offered alien fire, and were slain,
2and commanded to him and said, Speak thou to Aaron, thy brother, that he enter not in all time into the saintuary, which is within the veil before the propitiatory, with which the ark is covered, that he die not; for I shall appear in a cloud on God’s answering place;
3no but he do these things before. He shall offer a calf for sin, and a ram into burnt sacrifice;
4he shall be clothed with a linen cloth, and he shall hide his shame-fast members with linen breeches; he shall be girded with a linen girdle, and he shall put a linen mitre on his head; for these clothes be holy, with them all he shall be clothed, when he is washed.
5And he shall take of all the multitude of the sons of Israel two kids for sin, and one ram into burnt sacrifice;
6and when he offereth a calf, and prayeth, for himself, and for his house,
7he shall make two goat bucks to stand before the Lord, in the door of the tabernacle of witnessing;
8and Aaron shall cast lot upon ever either, one lot to the Lord, and another lot to the goat that shall be sent out.
9Whose lot goeth out to the Lord, he shall offer it for sin;
10soothly whose lot goeth out into the goat that shall be sent out, he shall set him quick before the Lord, that he send prayers on him, and send him out into wilderness.
11When these things be done rightfully, he shall offer the calf, and he shall pray for himself, and for his house, and shall offer the calf.
12And when he hath taken a censer, which he hath full-filled of the coals of the altar, and he hath taken in his hand the sweet smelling spicery or spices made into incense, he shall enter over the veil into the holy things;
13that when sweet smelling spiceries or spices be put on the fire, the cloud and vapour of those or them cover God’s answering place, that is, the propitiatory, which is on the witnessing, that is, on the ark with the tables of law, and he die not.
14Also Aaron shall take of the calf’s blood, and he shall sprinkle seven times with his finger against God’s answering place, eastward.
15And when Aaron hath slain the goat buck, offered for the sin of the people, he shall bring in the blood thereof within the veil, as it is commanded of the calf’s blood, that he sprinkle it even against God’s answering place,
16and he shall cleanse the saintuary from the uncleanness of the sons of Israel, and from their trespassings, and from all their sins. By this custom he shall do in the tabernacle of witnessing, which is set among them, in the midst of the filths of the habitation of them.
17No man be in the tabernacle, when the bishop shall enter into the saintuary, that he pray for himself, and for his house, and for all the company of Israel, till he go out of the tabernacle.
18Soothly when he hath gone out to the altar which is before the Lord, pray he for himself, and shed or pour he on the horns thereof, by compass, the blood that is taken of the calf, and of the goat buck;
19and sprinkle he it seven times with his finger, and cleanse he, and hallow he the altar from the unclean-nesses of the sons of Israel.

Read Leviticus 16Leviticus 16
Compare Leviticus 16:1-19Leviticus 16:1-19