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Free Bible Version - Leviticus - Leviticus 14

Leviticus 14:39-46

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39On the seventh day the priest will return and inspect the house again. If the mold has spread on the walls,
40he will order the affected stones to be removed and disposed of in an unclean area outside the town.
41Then he will order the all the plaster inside of the house to be scraped off and dumped in an unclean area outside the town.
42Different stones must be used to replace the ones removed, and new plaster will be needed replaster the house.
43If the mold returns and affects the house again even after the stones have been removed and the house has been scraped and replastered,
44the priest must come and inspect it. If he sees the mold has spread in the house, it is a harmful mold; the house is unclean.
45It must be demolished, and all its stones, timbers, and plaster must be taken and dumped in an unclean area outside the town.
46Anyone who goes into the house during any time that it is sealed will be unclean until the evening.

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Compare Leviticus 14:39-46Leviticus 14:39-46