2Think carefully before you speak MTY or before you promise God that you will do something IDM. Do not forget that God is in heaven and he is all-powerful and you are here on the earth, so think carefully before you make any promises to God.
3If you are continually thinking and worrying about things, you will have bad dreams about them and not rest well. And the more you talk, the more likely it will be that you will say things that are foolish.
4When you solemnly promise God that you will do something, do not be foolish by delaying in doing it, because God is not pleased with foolish people. Do all the things that you promise God that you will do.
5It is better to not promise anything than to promise to do something, and then not doing it.
6Do not sin by promising to do something and then not doing it. And when you promise God to do something and do not do it, do not say to God's priest that it was a mistake for you to promise to do that. If you do that, God will certainly RHQ become very angry with you, and he will take from you everything that you SYN have worked to acquire.
7Promising to do something and not doing it is like SIM a dream that has no value; instead, revere God by doing what you promised him that you would do.
8Do not be surprised if you see poor people being ◄oppressed/treated cruelly► by powerful/influential people, or if you see judges making unjust decisions throughout the land. That happens because the people who do that are supervised and cheated by more important officials DOU,
9and even the king forces the people to give him some of the crops that they harvest.
10Everyone who tries to get as much money as they can will never think that they have enough. They will never be satisfied with the money that they have. That also is senseless.
11The more money that we have, the more people want us to spend our money to buy things for them. So people who have a lot of money do not RHQ benefit from it; they see MTY it when they get it, but it soon ◄disappears/is completely spent►.