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U BULUNGANA U NIGA - Aposol - Aposol 14

Aposol 14:4-11

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4Kaba u katun tara taun teka i lu kata me katoer a huol a pala. A palabi i hanigei u ranga turu Jiu, na palabi i hanigei u ranga turu aposol.
5Bu Jiu nu katun halhal has e toan takei gono merer u tsunono i taren. Nori i katsin kato homir ere Pol mere Banabas ba te titi hatu hamate raren.
6Ere Pol mere Banabas i hengo sabe a ka teka, ba nori e bus uar tara provins i Likionia, me kui laria turu taun i Listra na i Debi, na tara man han ti sukusuku.
7Ba nori e hatei ner u Bulungana u Niga turu han teka.
8Tara taun i Listra a toa katun e gum a man mounen e ma tagalai. Tara poata te pose ien e tsinanan, a mounen e omi hakapa noa has na nonei e mamala tatalai.
9Ba nonei e hengoena u ranga te kato e Pol. Be Pol e tarena a katun teka e ka mei u nihamana e antunaia te ga tatei butu haniga pouts uen.
10Be Pol e tara hatagala uana i tanen me ranga hapanina ba te poiena i tanen, “Alö go takei ba lö te tuol hamatskö nem a moumulö.” Ba nonei e topei takeina me hula tatalana.
11U katun u para ti tarei a ka teka te kato e Pol i ku hapan u turu rangan Ha-Likionia me poier, “U got e butu here rimei u katun, me koul puta uarima i tarara!”

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