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Plain English Version - Acts - Acts 10

Acts 10:9-20

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9The next day, about the middle of the day, those men were walking along and getting near to Joppa. At that same time Peter went up on to the flat roof of the house to pray.
10He started feeling hungry and he wanted something to eat, but he waited and prayed while the people in the house were getting some food ready. Then Peter had like a dream, but he was still awake.
11He saw the sky open up, then he saw something like a big sheet. Somebody was holding on to the 4 corners of that sheet, and there was something in the middle of it. It was coming down from the sky to the ground. There were all kinds of animals in it, and lizards, and snakes, and birds. (Their Jewish law said, “Don’t eat those kinds of animals, they are no good.”)
13Then a voice said to Peter, “Get up, Peter. Kill some of those animals and eat them.”
14But Peter said, “No, boss. I can’t do that. Our Jewish law says we can’t eat that kind of animal. They are no good, so I never eat any of them.”
15Then the voice said to Peter, “If God says that something is good, don’t say it is no good.”
16That happened 3 times. Each time that voice told Peter to eat one of those animals, and each time Peter said, “No,” and each time the voice said, “If God says that something is good, don’t say it is no good.” Then that sheet went back up into the sky.
17Peter sat there and thought, “What does this mean? What is God telling me?” While Peter was still trying to understand it, those 3 men from Cornelius walked into that town, Joppa. They asked people, “Where does Simon live, the leather worker man?” Then they stood outside at the gate of that house
18and asked, “Is Simon Peter here?”
19At that same time, Peter was thinking about what he just saw, and the Holy Spirit said to him, “Listen, 3 men are down at the gate. They are looking for you.
20So get up and go down to them. You see, I sent them to you, so just go with them. Don’t worry.”

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Compare Acts 10:9-20Acts 10:9-20