5 For thou, Lord, art sweet and mild; and of much mercy to all men inwardly calling thee. (For thou, Lord, art good and forgiving; and hath great love for all who call to thee or and hath great mercy for all who cry to thee.)
6 Lord, perceive thou my prayer with ears; and give thou attention to the voice of my beseeching. (Lord, listen thou to my prayer; and give attention to the words of my plea.)
7 In the day of my tribulation I cried to thee; for thou heardest me. (In my time of trouble, I cried to thee; for thou shalt answer me.)
8 Lord, none among gods is like thee; and none is even to thy works. (Lord, there is no god like thee; and there be no works like thy works or and there be no works equal to thy works.)
9 Lord, all folks, whichever thou madest, shall come, and worship before thee; and they shall glorify thy name. (Lord, all the nations, which thou hast made, shall come, and shall worship before thee; and they shall glorify thy name.)
10 For thou art full great, and making marvels, (or For thou art very great, and doing marvellous deeds); thou art God alone.