9Yea, the LORD is a refuge for the oppressed; A refuge in times of trouble.
10They who know thy name put their trust in thee; For thou, O LORD! forsakest not them that seek thee!
11Sing praises to the LORD, who reigneth in Zion; Declare his doings among the people!
12As the avenger of blood, he remembereth the distressed; He forgetteth not their complaint.
13“Have pity upon me, said I, O LORD! Look upon my affliction through them that hate me; Lift me up from the gates of death:
14That I may show forth all thy praise in the gates of the daughter of Zion; That I may rejoice in salvation by thee.”
15The nations have sunk into the pit which they made; In the net, which they hid, is their own foot taken.
16Thus it is known that the LORD executeth judgment; The wicked are ensnared in the work of their own hands. Stringed instruments. Pause.
17The wicked shall be driven into the underworld; Yea, all the nations that forger God.
18For the poor shall not always be forgotten; The hopes of the afflicted shall not perish for ever.