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Psalms 95:10-11 in English

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Psalms 95:10-11 in American Standard Version (1901)

10 Forty years long was I grieved with that generation, And said, It is a people that do err in their heart, And they have not known my ways:
11 Wherefore I sware in my wrath, That they should not enter into my rest.
Psalms 95 in American Standard Version (1901)

Psalms 95:10-11 in Brenton Septuagint Translation

10 Say among the heathen, The Lord reigns: for he has established the world so that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people in righteousness.
11 Let the heavens rejoice, and the earth exult; let the sea be moved, and the fulness of it.
Psalms 95 in Brenton Septuagint Translation

Psalms 95:10-11 in King James Version + Apocrypha

10 Forty years long was I grieved with this generation, and said, It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways:
11 Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest.
Psalms 95 in King James Version + Apocrypha

Psalms 95:10-11 in King James (Authorized) Version

10 Forty years long was I grieved with this generation, and said, It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways:
11 Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest.
Psalms 95 in King James (Authorized) Version

Psalms 95:10-11 in LXX2012: Septuagint in American English 2012

10 Say among the heathen, The Lord reigns: for he has established the world so that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people in righteousness.
11 Let the heavens rejoice, and the earth exult; let the sea be moved, and the fullness of it.
Psalms 95 in LXX2012: Septuagint in American English 2012

PSALMS 95:10-11 in Revised Version with Apocrypha (1895)

10 Forty years long was I grieved with that generation, and said, It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways:
11 Wherefore I sware in my wrath, that they should not enter into my rest.
PSALMS 95 in Revised Version with Apocrypha (1895)

Psalms 95:10-11 in Translation for Translators

10 For forty years I was angry with those people, and I said, ‘Those people say that they want to please me, but they do things that I detest. They refuse to obey my commands.’
11 So because I was very angry, I solemnly said/declared about them: ‘They will never enter the land of Canaan where I would have allowed them to rest!’”
Psalms 95 in Translation for Translators

Psalms 95:10-11 in LXX2012: Septuagint in British/International English 2012

10 Say amongst the heathen, The Lord reigns: for he has established the world so that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people in righteousness.
11 Let the heavens rejoice, and the earth exult; let the sea be moved, and the fullness of it.
Psalms 95 in LXX2012: Septuagint in British/International English 2012

Psalms 95:10-11 in World English Bible with Deuterocanon

10 Forty long years I was grieved with that generation, and said, “They are a people who err in their heart. They have not known my ways.”
11 Therefore I swore in my wrath, “They won’t enter into my rest.”
Psalms 95 in World English Bible with Deuterocanon

Psalms 95:10-11 in World English Bible (Catholic)

10 Forty long years I was grieved with that generation, and said, “They are a people who err in their heart. They have not known my ways.”
11 Therefore I swore in my wrath, “They won’t enter into my rest.”
Psalms 95 in World English Bible (Catholic)

Psalms 95:10-11 in World English Bible British Edition with Deuterocanon

10 Forty long years I was grieved with that generation, and said, “They are a people who err in their heart. They have not known my ways.”
11 Therefore I swore in my wrath, “They won’t enter into my rest.”
Psalms 95 in World English Bible British Edition with Deuterocanon

Psalms 95:10-11 in Bible in Basic English

10 For forty years I was angry with this generation, and said, They are a people whose hearts are turned away from me, for they have no knowledge of my ways;
11 And I made an oath in my wrath, that they might not come into my place of rest.
Psalms 95 in Bible in Basic English

Psalms 95:10-11 in Darby Translation

10 Forty years was I grieved with the generation, and said, It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways;
11 So that I swore in mine anger, that they should not enter into my rest.
Psalms 95 in Darby Translation

Psalms 95:10-11 in Douay-Rheims 1899

10 Say ye among the Gentiles, the Lord hath reigned. For he hath corrected the world, which shall not be moved: he will judge the people with justice.
11 Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad, let the sea be moved, and the fulness thereof:
Psalms 95 in Douay-Rheims 1899

Psalms 95:10-11 in Free Bible Version

10 For forty years I was disgusted with that generation, and I said, ‘They are people who are unfaithful to me in their minds, and they refuse to accept my ways.’
11 So in my frustration I vowed, ‘They will certainly not enter my rest.’”
Psalms 95 in Free Bible Version

Psalms 95:10-11 in Geneva Bible 1599

10 Fourtie yeeres haue I contended with this generation, and said, They are a people that erre in heart, for they haue not knowen my wayes.
11 Wherefore I sware in my wrath, saying, Surely they shall not enter into my rest.
Psalms 95 in Geneva Bible 1599

Psalms 95:10-11 in JPS TaNaKH 1917

10 For forty years was I wearied with that generation, and said: It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known My ways;
11 Wherefore I swore in My wrath, that they should not enter into My rest.'
Psalms 95 in JPS TaNaKH 1917

Psalms 95:10-11 in KJV Cambridge Paragraph Bible

10 Forty years long was I grieved with this generation, And said, It is a people that do err in their heart, And they have not known my ways:
11 Unto whom I sware in my wrath That they should not enter into my rest.
Psalms 95 in KJV Cambridge Paragraph Bible

Psalms 95:10-11 in Isaac Leeser Tanakh

10 Forty years long did I feel loathing on that generation, and I said, It is a people of an erring heart; and they truly acknowledged not my ways:
11 So that I swore in my wrath, that they should not enter into my rest.
Psalms 95 in Isaac Leeser Tanakh

Psalms 95:10-11 in Updated Brenton English Septuagint

10 Say among the heathen, The Lord reigns: For he has established the world so that it shall not be moved: He shall judge the people in righteousness.
11 Let the heavens rejoice, and the earth exult; Let the sea be moved, and the fullness of it.
Psalms 95 in Updated Brenton English Septuagint

Psalms 95:10-11 in Nyangumarta English Bible

Psalms 95:10-11 don't exist in Nyangumarta English Bible.

Psalms 95:10-11 in George Noyes Bible

10 Forty years was I offended with that generation: And I said, 'They are a people of a perverse heart, And who have no regard to my ways.'
11 Therefore I sware, in my wrath, That they should not enter into my rest.”
Psalms 95 in George Noyes Bible

Psalms 95:10-11 in Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling)

10 “For forty years I was filled with loathing for that generation, so I said: ‘A people with wandering hearts are they, and ignorant of my ways.’
11 So I solemnly swore to them in my anger, that never would they enter my place of rest.”
Psalms 95 in Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling)

Psalms 95:10-11 in Open English Bible (U. S. spelling)

10 “For forty years I was filled with loathing for that generation, so I said: ‘A people with wandering hearts are they, and ignorant of my ways.’
11 So I solemnly swore to them in my anger, that never would they enter my place of rest.”
Psalms 95 in Open English Bible (U. S. spelling)

Psalms [Praises] 95:10-11 in One Unity Resource Bible

10 Forty long years I loathed that generation, and said, “This is a people that errors in their heart. They have not known my ways.”
11 Therefore I swore in my wrath, “They won’t enter into my rest.”
Psalms [Praises] 95 in One Unity Resource Bible

Psalms 95:10-11 in Unlocked Literal Bible

10 For forty years I was angry with that generation and said, 'This is a people whose hearts wander astray; they have not known my ways.'
11 Therefore I vowed in my anger that they would never enter into my resting place.”
Psalms 95 in Unlocked Literal Bible

Psalms 95:10-11 in World English Bible

10 Forty long years I was grieved with that generation, and said, “They are a people who err in their heart. They have not known my ways.”
11 Therefore I swore in my wrath, “They won’t enter into my rest.”
Psalms 95 in World English Bible

Psalms 95:10-11 in World English Bible British Edition

10 Forty long years I was grieved with that generation, and said, “They are a people who err in their heart. They have not known my ways.”
11 Therefore I swore in my wrath, “They won’t enter into my rest.”
Psalms 95 in World English Bible British Edition

Psalms 95:10-11 in Noah Webster Bible

10 Forty years long was I grieved with this generation, and said, It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways:
11 To whom I swore in my wrath, that they should not enter into my rest.
Psalms 95 in Noah Webster Bible

Psalms 95:10-11 in World Messianic Bible

10 Forty long years I was grieved with that generation, and said, “They are a people who err in their heart. They have not known my ways.”
11 Therefore I swore in my wrath, “They won’t enter into my rest.”
Psalms 95 in World Messianic Bible

Psalms 95:10-11 in World Messianic Bible British Edition

10 Forty long years I was grieved with that generation, and said, “They are a people who err in their heart. They have not known my ways.”
11 Therefore I swore in my wrath, “They won’t enter into my rest.”
Psalms 95 in World Messianic Bible British Edition

Psalms 95:10-11 in Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling

10 Forty years I was offended to this generation; and I said, Evermore they err in heart. And these men knew not my ways;
11 to whom I swore in mine ire, they shall not enter into my rest.

Psalms 95:10-11 in Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced)

10 Forty years I was offended to this generation; and I said, Evermore they err in heart. And these men knew not my ways; (For forty years I was offended by that generation; and I said, They err in their hearts forevermore. And these people do not know my ways;)
11 to whom I swore in mine ire, they shall not enter into my rest. (and so I swore to them in my anger, that they would not enter into my rest.)

Psalms 95:10-11 in Young's Literal Translation

10 Forty years I am weary of the generation, And I say, 'A people erring in heart — they! And they have not known My ways:'
11 Where I sware in Mine anger, 'If they come in unto My rest — !'