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Geneva Bible 1599 - Psalms - Psalms 89

Psalms 89:5-39

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5O Lord, euen the heauens shall prayse thy wonderous worke: yea, thy trueth in the Congregation of the Saints.
6For who is equall to the Lord in the heauen? and who is like the Lord among the sonnes of the gods?
7God is very terrible in the assemblie of the Saints, and to be reuerenced aboue all, that are about him.
8O Lord God of hostes, who is like vnto thee, which art a mightie Lord, and thy trueth is about thee?
9Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waues thereof arise, thou stillest them.
10Thou hast beaten downe Rahab as a man slaine: thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy mightie arme.
11The heauens are thine, the earth also is thine: thou hast layde the foundation of the world, and all that therein is.
12Thou hast created the North and the South: Tabor and Hermon shall reioyce in thy Name.
13Thou hast a mightie arme: strong is thine hand, and high is thy right hand.
14Righteousnesse and equitie are the stablishment of thy throne: mercy and trueth goe before thy face.
15Blessed is the people, that can reioyce in thee: they shall walke in the light of thy countenance, O Lord.
16They shall reioyce continually in thy Name, and in thy righteousnes shall they exalt them selues.
17For thou art the glory of their strength, and by thy fauour our hornes shall be exalted.
18For our shield apperteineth to the Lord, and our King to the holy one of Israel.
19Thou spakest then in a vision vnto thine Holy one, and saydest, I haue layde helpe vpon one that is mightie: I haue exalted one chosen out of the people.
20I haue found Dauid my seruant: with mine holy oyle haue I anoynted him.
21Therefore mine hande shall be established with him, and mine arme shall strengthen him.
22The enemie shall not oppresse him, neither shall the wicked hurt him.
23But I will destroy his foes before his face, and plague them that hate him.
24My trueth also and my mercie shall be with him, and in my Name shall his horne be exalted.
25I will set his hand also in the sea, and his right hand in the floods.
26He shall cry vnto mee, Thou art my Father, my God and the rocke of my saluation.
27Also I wil make him my first borne, higher then the Kings of the earth.
28My mercie will I keepe for him for euermore, and my couenant shall stande fast with him.
29His seede also will I make to endure for euer, and his throne as the dayes of heauen.
30But if his children forsake my Lawe, and walke not in my iudgements:
31If they breake my statutes, and keepe not my commandements:
32Then will I visite their transgression with the rod, and their iniquitie with strokes.
33Yet my louing kindnesse will I not take from him, neither will I falsifie my trueth.
34My couenant wil I not breake, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.
35I haue sworne once by mine holines, that I will not fayle Dauid, saying,
36His seede shall endure for euer, and his throne shalbe as the sunne before me.
37He shalbe established for euermore as the moone, and as a faythfull witnes in the heauen. Selah.
38But thou hast reiected and abhorred, thou hast bene angry with thine Anoynted.
39Thou hast broken the couenant of thy seruant, and profaned his crowne, casting it on the ground.

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