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Psalms 89:39-42 in English

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Psalms 89:39-42 in American Standard Version (1901)

39 Thou hast abhorred the covenant of thy servant: Thou hast profaned his crown by casting it to the ground.
40 Thou hast broken down all his hedges; Thou hast brought his strongholds to ruin.
41 All that pass by the way rob him: He is become a reproach to his neighbors.
42 Thou hast exalted the right hand of his adversaries; Thou hast made all his enemies to rejoice.
Psalms 89 in American Standard Version (1901)

Psalms 89:39-42 in Brenton Septuagint Translation

Psalms 89:39-42 don't exist in Brenton Septuagint Translation.
Psalms 89 in Brenton Septuagint Translation

Psalms 89:39-42 in King James Version + Apocrypha

39 Thou hast made void the covenant of thy servant: thou hast profaned his crown by casting it to the ground.
40 Thou hast broken down all his hedges; thou hast brought his strong holds to ruin.
41 All that pass by the way spoil him: he is a reproach to his neighbours.
42 Thou hast set up the right hand of his adversaries; thou hast made all his enemies to rejoice.
Psalms 89 in King James Version + Apocrypha

Psalms 89:39-42 in King James (Authorized) Version

39 Thou hast made void the covenant of thy servant: thou hast profaned his crown by casting it to the ground.
40 Thou hast broken down all his hedges; thou hast brought his strong holds to ruin.
41 All that pass by the way spoil him: he is a reproach to his neighbours.
42 Thou hast set up the right hand of his adversaries; thou hast made all his enemies to rejoice.
Psalms 89 in King James (Authorized) Version

Psalms 89:39-42 in LXX2012: Septuagint in American English 2012

Psalms 89:39-42 don't exist in LXX2012: Septuagint in American English 2012.
Psalms 89 in LXX2012: Septuagint in American English 2012

PSALMS 89:39-42 in Revised Version with Apocrypha (1895)

39 Thou hast abhorred the covenant of thy servant: thou hast profaned his crown even to the ground.
40 Thou hast broken down all his hedges; thou hast brought his strong holds to rain.
41 All that pass by the way spoil him: he is become a reproach to his neighbours.
42 Thou hast exalted the right hand of his adversaries; thou hast made all his enemies to rejoice.
PSALMS 89 in Revised Version with Apocrypha (1895)

Psalms 89:39-42 in Translation for Translators

39 It seems that you have broken the agreement that you made with your servant, David; it seems as though you have signaled hat he is no longer the king by throwing his crown into the dust/dirt.
40 You have torn down the walls that protect his city, and allowed all his forts to become ruins.
41 All those who pass by plunder/steal his possessions; his neighbors ◄laugh at/ridicule► him.
42 You have enabled his enemies to defeat him; you have made them all happy.
Psalms 89 in Translation for Translators

Psalms 89:39-42 in LXX2012: Septuagint in British/International English 2012

Psalms 89:39-42 don't exist in LXX2012: Septuagint in British/International English 2012.
Psalms 89 in LXX2012: Septuagint in British/International English 2012

Psalms 89:39-42 in World English Bible with Deuterocanon

39 You have renounced the covenant of your servant. You have defiled his crown in the dust.
40 You have broken down all his hedges. You have brought his strongholds to ruin.
41 All who pass by the way rob him. He has become a reproach to his neighbors.
42 You have exalted the right hand of his adversaries. You have made all of his enemies rejoice.
Psalms 89 in World English Bible with Deuterocanon

Psalms 89:39-42 in World English Bible (Catholic)

39 You have renounced the covenant of your servant. You have defiled his crown in the dust.
40 You have broken down all his hedges. You have brought his strongholds to ruin.
41 All who pass by the way rob him. He has become a reproach to his neighbors.
42 You have exalted the right hand of his adversaries. You have made all of his enemies rejoice.
Psalms 89 in World English Bible (Catholic)

Psalms 89:39-42 in World English Bible British Edition with Deuterocanon

39 You have renounced the covenant of your servant. You have defiled his crown in the dust.
40 You have broken down all his hedges. You have brought his strongholds to ruin.
41 All who pass by the way rob him. He has become a reproach to his neighbours.
42 You have exalted the right hand of his adversaries. You have made all of his enemies rejoice.
Psalms 89 in World English Bible British Edition with Deuterocanon

Psalms 89:39-42 in Bible in Basic English

39 You have made your agreement with your servant of no effect: you have had no respect for his crown, it has come down even to the earth.
40 All his walls are broken down; you have given his strong towers to destruction.
41 All those who come by take away his goods; he is laughed at by his neighbours.
42 You have given power to the right hand of his haters; you have made glad all those who are against him.
Psalms 89 in Bible in Basic English

Psalms 89:39-42 in Darby Translation

39 Thou hast made void the covenant of thy servant; thou hast profaned his crown to the ground:
40 Thou hast broken down all his hedges; thou hast brought his strongholds to ruin.
41 All that pass by the way plunder him; he is become a reproach to his neighbours.
42 Thou hast exalted the right hand of his oppressors; thou hast made all his enemies to rejoice:
Psalms 89 in Darby Translation

Psalms 89:39-42 in Douay-Rheims 1899

Psalms 89:39-42 don't exist in Douay-Rheims 1899.
Psalms 89 in Douay-Rheims 1899

Psalms 89:39-42 in Free Bible Version

39 You have broken the agreement you had with him; you have thrown his crown to the ground!
40 You have torn down his defensive walls; you have ruined his fortresses.
41 Everyone who passes by has robbed him; he has become an object of mockery to the nations nearby.
42 You have made his enemies strong; you have made them celebrate their victory.
Psalms 89 in Free Bible Version

Psalms 89:39-42 in Geneva Bible 1599

39 Thou hast broken the couenant of thy seruant, and profaned his crowne, casting it on the ground.
40 Thou hast broken downe all his walles: thou hast layd his fortresses in ruine.
41 All that goe by the way, spoyle him: he is a rebuke vnto his neighbours.
42 Thou hast set vp the right hand of his enemies, and made all his aduersaries to reioyce.
Psalms 89 in Geneva Bible 1599

Psalms 89:39-42 in JPS TaNaKH 1917

39 (89-40) Thou hast abhorred the covenant of Thy servant; Thou hast profaned his crown even to the ground.
40 (89-41) Thou hast broken down all his fences; Thou hast brought his strongholds to ruin.
41 (89-42) All that pass by the way spoil him; he is become a taunt to his neighbours.
42 (89-43) Thou hast exalted the right hand of his adversaries; Thou hast made all his enemies to rejoice.
Psalms 89 in JPS TaNaKH 1917

Psalms 89:39-42 in KJV Cambridge Paragraph Bible

39 Thou hast made void the covenant of thy servant: Thou hast profaned his crown by casting it to the ground.
40 Thou hast broken down all his hedges; Thou hast brought his strong holds to ruin.
41 All that pass by the way spoil him: He is a reproach to his neighbours.
42 Thou hast set up the right hand of his adversaries; Thou hast made all his enemies to rejoice.
Psalms 89 in KJV Cambridge Paragraph Bible

Psalms 89:39-42 in Isaac Leeser Tanakh

39 (89:40) Thou hast made void the covenant of thy servant: thou hast profaned, down to the ground, his crown.
40 (89:41) Thou hast broken down all his fences: thou hast brought his strong-holds to terror.
41 (89:42) All that pass by the way plunder him: he is become a reproach to his neighbors.
42 (89:43) Thou hast raised up the right hand of his assailants: thou hast caused all his enemies to rejoice.
Psalms 89 in Isaac Leeser Tanakh

Psalms 89:39-42 in Updated Brenton English Septuagint

Psalms 89:39-42 don't exist in Updated Brenton English Septuagint.
Psalms 89 in Updated Brenton English Septuagint

Psalms 89:39-42 in Nyangumarta English Bible

Psalms 89:39-42 don't exist in Nyangumarta English Bible.

Psalms 89:39-42 in George Noyes Bible

39 Thou hast made void the covenant with thy servant; Thou hast cast his crown to the ground.
40 Thou hast broken down all his hedges; Thou hast brought his strongholds to ruin.
41 All who pass by plunder him; He is a reproach to his neighbors.
42 Thou hast lifted up the right hand of his enemies; Thou hast made all his adversaries to rejoice.
Psalms 89 in George Noyes Bible

Psalms 89:39-42 in Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling)

39 You have spurned the covenant with your servant, and his sacred crown dashed to the ground.
40 You have broken down all his walls, and laid his bulwarks in ruins.
41 All who pass on their way despoil him, the scorn of his neighbours is he now.
42 You have given his foes the victory, and made all his enemies glad.
Psalms 89 in Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling)

Psalms 89:39-42 in Open English Bible (U. S. spelling)

39 You have spurned the covenant with your servant, and his sacred crown dashed to the ground.
40 You have broken down all his walls, and laid his bulwarks in ruins.
41 All who pass on their way despoil him, the scorn of his neighbors is he now.
42 You have given his foes the victory, and made all his enemies glad.
Psalms 89 in Open English Bible (U. S. spelling)

Psalms [Praises] 89:39-42 in One Unity Resource Bible

39 You have renounced the covenant ·binding contract between two or more parties· of your servant. You have defiled his crown in the dust.
40 You have broken down all his hedges. You have brought his strongholds to ruin.
41 All who pass by the way rob him. He has become a reproach to his neighbors.
42 You have exalted the right hand of his adversaries. You have made all of his enemies rejoice.
Psalms [Praises] 89 in One Unity Resource Bible

Psalms 89:39-42 in Unlocked Literal Bible

39 You have renounced the covenant of your servant. You have desecrated his crown on the ground.
40 You have broken down all his walls. You have ruined his strongholds.
41 All who pass by have robbed him. He has become an object of disgust to his neighbors.
42 You have raised the right hand of his enemies; you have made all his enemies rejoice.
Psalms 89 in Unlocked Literal Bible

Psalms 89:39-42 in World English Bible

39 You have renounced the covenant of your servant. You have defiled his crown in the dust.
40 You have broken down all his hedges. You have brought his strongholds to ruin.
41 All who pass by the way rob him. He has become a reproach to his neighbors.
42 You have exalted the right hand of his adversaries. You have made all of his enemies rejoice.
Psalms 89 in World English Bible

Psalms 89:39-42 in World English Bible British Edition

39 You have renounced the covenant of your servant. You have defiled his crown in the dust.
40 You have broken down all his hedges. You have brought his strongholds to ruin.
41 All who pass by the way rob him. He has become a reproach to his neighbours.
42 You have exalted the right hand of his adversaries. You have made all of his enemies rejoice.
Psalms 89 in World English Bible British Edition

Psalms 89:39-42 in Noah Webster Bible

39 Thou hast made void the covenant of thy servant: thou hast profaned his crown by casting it to the ground.
40 Thou hast broken down all his hedges; thou hast brought his strong holds to ruin.
41 All that pass by the way plunder him: he is a reproach to his neighbors.
42 Thou hast set up the right hand of his adversaries; thou hast made all his enemies to rejoice.
Psalms 89 in Noah Webster Bible

Psalms 89:39-42 in World Messianic Bible

39 You have renounced the covenant of your servant. You have defiled his crown in the dust.
40 You have broken down all his hedges. You have brought his strongholds to ruin.
41 All who pass by the way rob him. He has become a reproach to his neighbors.
42 You have exalted the right hand of his adversaries. You have made all of his enemies rejoice.
Psalms 89 in World Messianic Bible

Psalms 89:39-42 in World Messianic Bible British Edition

39 You have renounced the covenant of your servant. You have defiled his crown in the dust.
40 You have broken down all his hedges. You have brought his strongholds to ruin.
41 All who pass by the way rob him. He has become a reproach to his neighbours.
42 You have exalted the right hand of his adversaries. You have made all of his enemies rejoice.
Psalms 89 in World Messianic Bible British Edition

Psalms 89:39-42 in Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling

39 Thou hast turned away the testa-ment of thy servant; thou madest unholy his saintuary in earth.
40 Thou destroyedest all the hedges thereof; thou hast set the steadfastness thereof into dread.
41 All men passing by the way ravished him; he is made a shame to his neighbours.
42 Thou hast enhanced the right hand of men oppressing him; thou hast gladdened all his enemies.

Psalms 89:39-42 in Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced)

39 Thou hast turned away the testament of thy servant; thou madest unholy his saintuary in earth. (Thou hast made void the covenant with thy servant; thou hast defiled his crown, and hast thrown it to the ground.)
40 Thou destroyedest all the hedges thereof; thou hast set the steadfastness thereof (into) dread (or thou hast brought down his strongholds, or his fortresses, into ruin).
41 All men passing by the way ravished him; he is made (a) shame to his neighbours. (All who pass by him, on the way, rob him; he is shamed by his neighbours.)
42 Thou hast enhanced the right hand of men oppressing him; thou hast gladdened all his enemies.

Psalms 89:39-42 in Young's Literal Translation

39 Hast rejected the covenant of Thy servant, Thou hast polluted to the earth his crown,
40 Thou hast broken down all his hedges, Thou hast made his fenced places a ruin.
41 Spoiled him have all passing by the way, He hath been a reproach to his neighbours,
42 Thou hast exalted the right hand of his adversaries, Thou hast caused all his enemies to rejoice.