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Bible Ni Thothup - Psalms - Psalms 89

Psalms 89:39-42

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39Kam thang e m’ag ni mu ngongliy u thilmew fare tapigpig rom, ma ka m’on e te’eliyaw ko pilung rok nga marungdu’.
40Kam buthug e yoror nib liyeg e binaw rok, pi yoror rok ni fan ko mael e kam digey nib puth.
41Urngin e girdi’ ni be yib u to’oben nge yan e yad be iring e chugum rok; ma urngin e pi’in yad bbuguliyoror e yad be moning ngak.
42Kam gagiyegnag e pi to’ogor rok kar gelgad ngak; ka mu gagiyeg nagrad ni yad gubin kar fefelan’gad.

Read Psalms 89Psalms 89
Compare Psalms 89:39-42Psalms 89:39-42