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Translation for Translators - Psalms - Psalms 89

Psalms 89:34-38

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34I will not break the agreement that I made with him; I will not change even one word that I spoke to him.
35Once I made a solemn promise to David, and that will never change, and because I am God, I will never lie to David.
36I promised that the line of kings descended from him will go on forever; it will last as long as the sun shines.
37That line will ◄be as permanent/last as long► as the moon that is always watching everything from the sky.
38But Yahweh, now you have rejected DOU David! You are very angry with the king whom you appointed.

Read Psalms 89Psalms 89
Compare Psalms 89:34-38Psalms 89:34-38